

单词 lowable
释义 ˈlowable, a. Obs.
[ad. F. louable:—L. laudābilis laudable. (Perhaps partly confused with lovable2.)]
Permissible, desirable, commendable.
1393Langl. P. Pl. C. vi. 103 Ich rede þe..rape þe to by-gynne Þe lyf þat ys lowable and leel to þe soule.1483Caxton Gold. Leg. 249/2 Thyrdly for the lowable dystrybucion of the tresours that he gaf alle to poure men wysely.1538J. Butlar Let. to Cranmer in C.'s Misc. Writ. (Parker Soc.) II. 373, I have declared to the prior that his third Article is not lowable.1545T. Raynalde Byrth Mankynde Prol. B vj, Honest and helthsum decoration & clendlynes, alwaies most lowable and commendable in a woman.1639Chas. I Declar. Tumults Sc. 63 According to the lowable lawes and constitutions received in this Realm.




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