

单词 wondering
释义 I. wondering, vbl. n.|ˈwʌndərɪŋ|
[f. wonder v. + -ing1.]
1. The action of the verb wonder.
a900Cynewulf Crist 89 Hwæt is þeos wundrung þe ᵹe wafiað?c1000ælfric Saints' Lives xxiii. 627 Þa þa he on þære micclan his modes wundrunge þær ᵹestod.a1300Cursor M. 11453 Þan þai gedir þam to-gedir, And spak hir⁓of wit gret wondring.1382Wyclif Acts iii. 10 And thei weren fulfillid with wondryng, and exstasie.c1386Chaucer Sqr.'s T. 300 Swich wondryng was ther on this hors of bras.c1450tr. De Imitatione iii. lix. 139 He desiriþ..to do suche þinges wherof preisinge & wondring miȝt arise.1471Caxton Recuyell (Sommer) 44 Whan he had herd their reasons & had seen their wondringes.a1500in Kingsford Chron. Lond. (1905) 221 Perkyn was conueyd ayen thorwth Candylwyke strete..with many a curse and wonderyng Inowth.1600Shakes. A.Y.L. iii. ii. 181 But didst thou heare without wondering, how thy name should be hang'd and carued vpon these trees?1645Milton Tetrach. Wks. 1851 IV. 145 It may save the wondring why in this age many are so opposite both to human and to Christian liberty.1848Dickens Dombey xxiii, Into her mind..there had stolen solemn wonderings and hopes.1858J. Martineau Stud. Christ. 291 The infinite wonderings of the religious life.
2. An object of wonder; a wonder, marvel, prodigy. Obs. rare.
a1100Aldhelm Gloss. i. 4370 (Napier 114/2) Spectaculi, wundrunge, wæfersyne.1513Douglas æneis vi. iv. 92 Witles Discord, that woundring maist crewell.
3. attrib., as wondering food, wondering stock (stock n.1 59).
c1550G. Walker Dice-Play (Percy Soc. 1850) 36 The poor boy..continued..a wondering-stock to all the house.1570Foxe A. & M. 72/2 Thus were the bodies of the Martyrs made a wondering stocke.1571Golding Calvin on Ps. lxxi. 7 He had..bin..counted as a wonderingstocke by reason of his miserable affliction.1819Keats Otho i. ii. 111 Let me no longer be the wondering food Of all these eyes.
II. ˈwondering, ppl. a.
[f. wonder v. + -ing2.]
That wonders.
1592Timme Ten Engl. Lepers A 2, The woondring Queene of Sheba..presented the most wise Salomon with the golde of Ophyr.1667Milton P.L. viii. 257 Strait toward Heav'n my wondring Eyes I turnd.1715Pope Iliad i. 524 Then..the Monster Titan came,..Thro' wondring Skies enormous stalk'd along.1810Scott Lady of L. i. iii, The falcon, from her cairn on high, Cast on the rout a wondering eye.1840Dickens Old C. Shop xiii, ‘Where in the devil's name are they gone?’ said the wondering Dick.1846A. Marsh Fr. Darcy xxxvi, The two priests could only look on him with a sort of wondering astonishment.1872Morley Voltaire 8 The..sinister method of assault upon religion which we of a later day watch with wondering eyes.
Comb.1895K. T. Hinkson Miracle Plays Proem, Thy little one and wondering-eyed.




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