

单词 mungo
释义 I. mungo1|ˈmʌŋgəʊ|
Also 8 mungos.
[var. of mongoose.
Kæmpfer (Amœn. Exotic., 1712, p. 574) says that the Portuguese called the animal mungo and the plant raje mungo i.e. ‘mungo root’.]
1. = mongoose 1. Obs.
1752J. Hill Hist. Anim. 549 Mustela griseo et albido variegata... The tabbied Mungo.Ibid. 550 Ray and some others..call it Viverra Indica quæ Mungo Lusitanis, Mungathia Ceylonensibus; we call it the Mungo or Mungose.1775Martyn Elem. Nat. Hist. I. i. 30 Pharaoh's Rat or Mungo. Viverra Ichneumon.1845Encycl. Metrop. XX. 236/2 This animal is known in India, of which it is a native, by the name of Mungo or Mungutia.
2. mungo-root (also in recent Dicts. mungo): the plant Ophiorhiza Mungos, supposed to be a strong antidote against the poison of snakes.
1738Mortimer in Phil. Trans. XL. 442 The two famous Antidotes, the Mungos-root, and the Serpentine-stone.1762B. Stillingfl. tr. Gedner's Use of Curios. in Misc. Tracts 192 note, As soon as this serpent appears the weesel attacks him, and if she chances to be bit by him, she immediately runs to find a certain vegetable; upon eating which she returns, and renews the fight. The Indians are of opinion, that this plant is the mungos.1838Penny Cycl. XII. 429/2 The story of the Ichneumon Mungo..having recourse to the plant Hampaddu Tanah, or Mungo root, as an antidote when bitten by serpents.
II. ˈmungo2 ? slang. Obs.
? A person of position, a ‘swell’.
1770[Colman] in Oxford Mag. IV. 229/1 But in the year 1770 the ladies of the first quality, the Mungoes, the superiors of the times, have abrogated [printed arrogated] the old Salic laws of libertinism, and openly set up a tavern in profest rivalry of Boodle's, Arthur's, and Almack's.
III. ˈmungo3 Obs.
[See quot. 1769.]
A typical name for a Black slave. Hence, a Negro.
1769H. Walpole Mem. Geo. III (1794) III. 211 Dyson, as usual was..ill-treated by the Opposition; Colonel Barré, the day before, having baptized him by the name of Mungo, a black slave in a new farce called The Padlock, who is described as employed by everybody in all jobs and servile offices.1794Times 12 Feb. 3/2 The manner in which the Black business was settled,..was this:—The husband..desired his wife to go where she pleased, (after she said she'd live with no one but the Black) and Mungo was taken by a press gang.1798Monthly Mag. Mar. 184/1 Might not New Yorkers give encouragement to the poor Scotch and Irish emigrants..and thus totally do away the mungo and the tawney breeds?1839P. Hawker Diary (1893) II. 163 note, Heatley, the trumpet major,..and Fitzhenry, an old mungo and pupil of mine on the tambourine.
IV. mungo4|ˈmʌŋgəʊ|
Also mongoe.
[Of obscure origin.
The story (obviously a figment) commonly told to account for the word is that when the first sample of the article was made, the foreman said ‘It won't go’, to which the master replied ‘But it mun go’ (i.e. must go).
Possibly the Scotch Christian name Mungo (in Yorkshire often used as a name for dogs) may have been applied to the material in jocular allusion to mung, mong n.1, mixture, mixed meal.]
A fabric made from the short fibres recovered from old hardwoven or felted material. Also attrib.
1857Post Office Directory Yorks. 1001 Mungo Merchants and Dealers [40 entries].1858Brit. Assoc. Rept. 160 A large quantity of rag wool called shoddy and mungo imported from Germany.1860S. Jubb Shoddy-trade 19 The principal part of a rag machine is the swift..; the coarser set swifts are used to grind soft rags into shoddy; the finer set ones, to tear cloth rags into mungo.Ibid. 32 Mungo rag is either old or new.1862Catal. Internat. Exhib. II. xxi. 28 Shoddy and mungo, made from woollen rags.1864Times 19 Mar. 7/2 D. Illingworth and Son, Leeds, mungo manufacturers.1879Cassell's Techn. Educ. IV. 261/1 Technically speaking soft woollen rags..are converted into ‘shoddy’ and hard and fine woollen rags..into ‘mungo’.1884Cassell's Family Mag. Feb. 155/2 A great many people are..occupied in cutting out the seams and button-holes of old cloth clothes... These are called mongoe-cutters, and the prepared woollen rags are known as mongoe.1961Blackshaw & Brightman Dict. Dyeing & Textile Printing 116 Mungo, the poorest grade of shoddy, being that obtained from rags, etc., and from materials which have been felted.1968[see Fibro, fibro 1].




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