

单词 reimplant
释义 reimˈplant, v.
[re- 5 a.]
trans. To implant again. So reimplanˈtation.
1656Artif. Handsom. 45 How many grave and godly matrons, usually graffe or re-implant on their..browes, the reliques, combings or cuttings of..more youthful hair?a1676Hale Prim. Orig. Man. iii. vi. (1677) 281 A Branch torn from a Tree..will resume Life by re-implantation and the Solar Heat.a1891Medical News LII. Advts. i. (Cent.), Reimplantation of a Trephined Button of Bone.1919Jrnl. Amer. Med. Assoc. 26 July 301/1 Bonnefon's experiences confirm that if a small pathologic process can be cut out completely and then reimplanted in the old site, the environment being normal, it will be invaded by normal cells and lose its pathologic characteristics.1955New Biol. XVIII. 32 The reimplantation of stored infant tissues into the same animal, and..the observation of the reciprocal influences of host and implant, are technically practicable and established procedures.1973Sci. Amer. Feb. 28/3 We can transfer the eye into a tissue culture and change its orientation when we reimplant it in a host embryo, and correlate the result with the results of direct-transplantation experiments.




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