

单词 internationalism
释义 interˈnationalism
[f. international a. (n.) + -ism.]
International character or spirit; the principle of community of interests or action between different nations; spec. (with capital I) the doctrine or principles of the International Working Men's Association.
1851M. Tupper in D. Hudson Martin Tupper (1949) x. 121 [President Fillmore..received me] very kindly and cordially, and avowing himself a great lover of my works and my Internationalism.1877M. M. Grant Sun-Maid xi, Its internationalism was the feature that struck you first.1886Pall Mall G. 26 Aug. 3/2 If this should be the sole fruit of this year's conference the interests of internationalism in labour will have been very considerably advanced.1888Sir C. Moncrieff ibid. 11 Sept. 4/1 On a par with most of the others which internationalism has devised for the welfare of Egypt.1895Thinker VIII. 536 Internationalism is the only virtue that comports with peace.1898Daily News 27 July 6/2 The preacher of the Four Commandments (non-Resistance, Chastity, Labour, Universal Brotherhood, otherwise Internationalism).1955Times 17 May 10/7 Internationalism seems to have become by now an accepted thing even in trades far less easily internationalized than ours.1971World Archaeol. III. 226 In Childe's view, it was..the Iron Curtain which abruptly severed this age-old tradition of internationalism.1973Times 16 Apr. 4/6 No city has done more than Coventry since the war to further the cause of internationalism.




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