

单词 vocable
释义 I. vocable, n.|ˈvəʊkəb(ə)l|
[a. F. vocable (16th c., = Pr. vocable, Sp. vocablo, Pg. vocabulo, It. vocabolo, -ulo), or directly ad. L. vocābul-um, f. vocāre to call, name.]
1. A word or term.
App. reintroduced in the 18th century; mentioned as a Scotticism by Beattie in 1787.
1530Palsgr. Introd. p. xxii, The great nombre of theyr vocables be evidently deryved forth of latin.1542Udall Erasm. Apoph. 9 This sillable, εὐ, in composicion of greke vocables betokeneth a certain facilitee.1577Grange Golden Aphrod. I j, N.O. perceyuing this deuision of vocables, thought good to note the sense thereof.1600–9Rowlands Knaue of Clubbes 19 He to coniure goes, With characters, and vocables, and diuers antique shewes.1638A. Read Chirurg. ix. 60 It is not amisse sometimes to coine vocables of art to expresse the matter which is in hand.
1786Geddes Prospectus New Transl. Bible 61 There is no language so compleatly copious and distinctive as to have a different vocable for every different idea.1787Let. to Bp. of London 82, I had ventured to use the word vocable. Some have approved of it, as a term we wanted; others have objected to it, as an innovation.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) XIV. 527/1 Even some of the American jargon dialects contain vocables which indicate an Asiatic or European original.1807Boucher Suppl. Johnson's Dict. s.v. Ay, The simple annals, or history, of this vocable in our own language..would probably be not less curious than its general history is.1852Blackie Study Lang. 30 If you love the book..you will master the vocables it contains in a speedy and agreeable way.1875E. White Life in Christ iv. xxiv. (1878) 348 Dreamers, for whom..every vocable is surrounded with an aureola or many-tinted halo of mysteries and ‘inner senses’.
2. A name or designation. Obs. rare.
c1550Disc. Common Weal Eng. (1893) 76 Therof to this daie remaineth these vocables of coine, as libra, pondo, dipondium,..vocables of weight; that afterward weare gyven to coines pretending the same weight.a1623Buck Rich. III, v. (1646) 133 We will next endeavour to understand that Vocable, or term, Tyrannus (that is, a Tyrant, or an evil King) cast upon King Richard.
II. ˈvocable, a. rare—1.
[f. L. voc-āre to call + -able.]
Capable of utterance.
1901Meredith Poems, With the Persuader 174 Cunninger than the numbered strings,..For mastered discords and the things Not vocable, whose mysteries Are inmost Love's.
Hence ˈvocably adv.
1906J. A. Hobson Canada To-day i. 3 Canada is conscious, vocably, uproariously conscious, that her day has come.




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