

单词 Vatican
释义 Vatican|ˈvætɪkən|
Also 6–7 Vaticane.
[a. F. Vatican (= It., Sp., Pg. Vaticano), or ad. L. Vāticān-us (sc. collis, mons): see def.]
1. a. ( Now always with the.) The palace of the Pope built upon the Vatican Hill in Rome.
Also, in recent use, the papal authorities or the system which they represent; the papal power; the Papacy.
1555Eden Decades (Arb.) 100 As wee are accustomed to goo on Pylgramege to Rome or Vaticane.1607B. Barnes Divils Charter ii. i. E 1, Heere leaue we Charles with pompous ceremonies, Feasting within the Vaticane at Rome.1611Bible Transl. Pref. ⁋13 The Latine edition..printed in the Printing-house of Vatican.a1700Evelyn Diary 18 Jan. 1645, I went to see the Pope's Palace, the Vatican, where he for the most part keeps his Court.1777R. Watson Philip II, ii. (1839) 29 He expressed his dread that ere long the Vatican itself would be in the hands of the enemy.1779J. Jay in Sparks Corr. Amer. Rev. (1853) II. 284 There is as much intrigue in this State-House as in the Vatican.1866Gladstone in Lett. Ch. & Relig. (1911) II. 395, I repaired to the Vatican in household uniform.1909J. M'Cabe Decay Ch. Rome vi. 128 England is regarded as substantially won for the Vatican.
b. Used with reference to the artistic or literary treasures preserved here; the Vatican galleries or library.
1600Holland Livy App. 1386 The statue of Laocoon..now at this day..is to be seene at the Vaticane.1610Bolton Elem. Armories 54 Such a librarie as..they had rather tosse then to bee Deipnosophists in Athenæus, or glowe-wormes in the Medicæan, or Vatican, the most renowned armaries of bookes in all the world.1694J. Norris Curs. Refl. Locke's Hum. Underst. 43, I..would not part with his Book for half a Vatican.1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) IV. 34 This picture resembles that which is to be seen in the Vatican at Rome.1796H. Hunter tr. St.-Pierre's Stud. Nat. (1799) I. 70 The man of the woods..has, certainly, a very imperfect resemblance to the Apollo of the Vatican.1841W. Spalding Italy & It. Isl. I. 166 Of these two copies [of a statue] one..is in the Vatican.
fig.1649G. Daniel Trinarch., Hen. IV, cclxv, A Well⁓bought Treasure from his Vatican; Whose Volumes Numberless Nature doth Summe In one Compendious Abstract; Well-bound Man!1854Thoreau Walden iii. (1886) 102 When the vaticans shall be filled with Vedas and Zendavestas and Bibles.1868M. Arnold in Life Ld. Coleridge (1904) II. vi. 160 Suppose you look in your stately Vatican of a library and see if you have not half a dozen copies.
2. a. attrib. or as adj. Of or pertaining to the Vatican or its library.
Vatican Council, the council of 1869–70 which proclaimed the infallibility of the Pope; also, the Second Vatican Council (1962–5), also called Vatican II, which is noted for the introduction of the vernacular for the Mass and other reforms.
1638R. Baker tr. Balzac's Lett. (vol. III) 208 You found not these excellent qualities in the Vatican Library.a1700Evelyn Diary 18 Jan. 1645, By these we descended into the Vatican Gardens.1705Addison Italy 102 The old Vatican Terence has at the Head of every Scene the Figures of all the Persons.1797Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) XVII. 150/2 The Vatican manuscript contained originally the whole Greek Bible.1825in Ushaw Mag. Dec. (1913) 265, I lately got a beautiful edition of the LXX,..printed from the Vatican copy.1845Graves Roman Law in Encycl. Metrop. II. 768 The Vatican fragments were taken by Mai from a manuscript of the Collationes of Cassianus in the Vatican Library.1878N. Amer. Rev. CXXVII. 325 The Fathers of the Vatican Council expound the doctrine of the church in these words.1886Encycl. Brit. XX. 835/2 The Vatican palace also appears to have originated in a house which existed in the time of Constantine.1961Times 12 Dec. 6/3 On Christmas Day the Pope is to issue his Bull summoning the second Vatican Council.1963E. Schillebeeckx in Life of Spirit June 504 Is it possible at this stage to surmise what the outcome of Vatican II is going to be? Yes, in principle it is. The majority have expressed themselves in favour of a different approach.1969A. Richardson Dict. Christian Theol. 354/2 Vatican II..teaches that bishops possess, by virtue of their consecration, ‘the fullness of the priesthood’, including the threefold role of sanctifying, teaching and governing.1976Jrnl. R. Soc. Arts Mar. 164/1 The Second Vatican Council may well have an understanding of the Sack of Rome and the Council of Trent which was denied to writers in the earlier part of this century.1979D. Gageby in J. J. Lee Ireland 1945–70 132 John Horgan, now a member of the Dáil, writing about Vatican II and the ecclesiastical changes.1983Times 16 May 12/6 The Protestant Ethic..is definitely out of fashion, theologically. Today, they all quote Temple, or Vatican II.
b. Special Combs.: Vatican City (or State), the temporal state established by the Lateran Treaty of 1929, comprising the area immediately surrounding the Vatican Palace in Rome and headed by the Pope; Vatican roulette colloq., the rhythm method of birth control, as permitted by the Roman Catholic Church.
1929Times 8 Feb. 14/1 The new Papal State, which is to be known as the ‘Vatican State’ or as the ‘Vatican City’, will be confined to a small extent of territory in the neighbourhood of the Vatican.1974Encycl. Brit. Macropædia XIX. 36/1 The Vatican City is in all ways independent from Italy.
1962Western Folklore Jan. 34 Vatican roulette—the rhythm system of birth control.1965D. Lodge British Museum is falling Down 172 That's another thing against the safe method there are so many things that can affect ovulation... No wonder they called it Vatican Roulette.1977H. G. Burger in B. Bernardi Concept & Dynamics of Culture 458 When Roman Catholicism permitted only the ‘rhythm method’ of birth control, sometimes satirized for its ineffectiveness as ‘Vatican roulette’, the Toronto archbishop authorized birth control pills.
Hence Vatiˈcanal, Vatiˈcanic, Vatiˈcanical adjs.
1899Westm. Gaz. 27 June 3/3 Several Catholic parishes elected priests who refused to accept the new *Vaticanal dogma.
1898E. P. Evans Evol. Ethics iv. 160 In the spirit of the *Vaticanic dictum.
1908Contemp. Rev. Mar., Lit. Suppl. 10 He has announced with *Vaticanical authority that [etc.].




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