

单词 iconize
释义 ˈiconize, v. Obs.
[ad. Gr. εἰκονίζειν, f. εἰκών, εἰκον- icon.]
trans. To form into an image; to figure, to represent.
1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. i. iv. §36. 572 This world is an image always iconized, or perpetually renewed (as the image in a glass is) of that First, second and third Principle, which are always standing.

trans. Computing. To transform (a window) into an icon; to represent (a function or program) with an icon. Cf. iconify v.
1986PC Mag. 30 Sept. 79 The true self-programming compiler, or SPC, system. You can call these things icon-based program generators (IBPG), iconized flowchart compilers (IFCC), or whatever.1987Re: MicroSoft Windows in comp.sys.ibm.pc (Usenet newsgroup) Installing programs that use the full screen is supposed to let you jump back and iconize them.1993Byte Dec. 232/3 Windows, which right out of the box iconizes background programs and puts them in a line across the bottom of the screen.2002M. C. Brown Compl. Idiot's Guide to Solaris 9 iv. xvi. 222 The button to the left of that (which looks like a tiny dot) will iconize the window.




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