

单词 horry
释义 I. hory, horry, a. Obs. exc. dial.
Forms: α. 1 horiᵹ, 3–4 hori, hore, 4 horie, 4–5 hory, hoory, 8 horry, 9 dial. howry; β. 4–5 horow(e, (7 horrow).
[OE. horiᵹ, f. horh, horw-, hor-, hore n. + -y. The ordinary OE. horiᵹ naturally gave ME. hori, hory. Chaucer's horowe (cited by Bullokar and Cockeram as horrow) attaches itself app. to the inflexional horᵹ- in horᵹ-um, etc.: cf. holy, hallow.]
Foul, dirty, filthy; slanderous.
αc1000Canons of ælfric §22 in Thorpe Laws II. 350 Ðæt his reaf ne beo horiᵹ.c1000ælfric Hom. I. 528 Mid horium reafe.c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 141 Clensunge þat is þat brinð hori to clene.a1300Sev. Sins, Pride 13 in E.E.P. (1862) 19 Hit nis bote hori felle.1382Wyclif Lev. xxii. 5 He that..shal touche..eny vnclene, whos touchynge is hoory [1388 foul], shal be vnclene vnto the euen.c1400Lanfranc's Cirurg. 82 An hory wounde shal be heelid, in remeuynge awey þe crust eiþere filþe þat is in him.c1420Chron. Vilod. 1870 Þis synfulle worlde þat so horry ys.1746Exmoor Scold. (E.D.S.) 155 Thy Waistcoat oll horry.1880Tennyson Village Wife vii, A howry owd book.1881N. Linc. Gloss., Howery, dirty, filthy.
β [c1000Appollonius (1834) 13 Mid horhᵹum scicelse.]
c1374Chaucer Compl. Mars 206 Somtyme envyous folke with tunges horowe departen hem alas.c1400Plowman's T. 1097 They were noughty, foule, and horowe.1616Bullokar, Horrow, beastlie; base, slaunderous.
Hence ˈhoryness. Obs.
c1425Eng. Conq. Irel. xxviii. 66 Mych horynesse [Rawl. MS. felth] or oryble synnes, that me ne aght nat to speke of.
II. hory, v. Obs.
Forms: 2–3 horeȝ-en, horyen, 4 horew-en, horw-en.
[OE. type *horᵹian, f. horiᵹ (see prec.): cf. herᵹian, harry.]
trans. To make hory, foul, or filthy; to defile, pollute.
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 201 We habbeþ don of us þe ealde man þe us horeȝede alle.c1275in O.E. Misc. 92 Lest he schulde his saule horyen and schede.13..E.E. Allit. P. B. 335 Of vche clene comly kynde enclose seuen makez Of vche horwed, in ark halde bot a payre.




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