

单词 sprung
释义 I. sprung, ppl. a.1|sprʌŋ|
[pa. pple. of spring v.1]
1. That has sprung up or arisen. In combs. as first-sprung, high-sprung, new-sprung. Also with up.
1575Gascoigne Flowers, Dan Bartholmew Wks. 1907 I. 101 God he knoweth..who pluckt hir first sprong rose.1632Lithgow Trav. ix. 415 The high sprung Woods, threatning the clouds.1661J. Davies Civil Warres 373 This utterly dissipated the power of the new sprung Committee of Safety.1842J. Aiton Domest. Econ. (1857) 150 The progress of his crops, from the scarce sprung-braird to the whitening harvest.1895Daily News 25 March 8/6 The newly sprung-up competition from the United States makers of this..tool.
2. Cracked, split.
1597J. Payne Royal Exch. 33 Besyde myne acquayntans with your sprung masts, torne sales from the yarde.1666Dryden Ann. Mirab. cxliii, Tall Norway Fir, their masts in Battel spent, And English Oak sprung Leaks and Planks restore.1781Naval Chron. XI. 289 The main mast is a sprung mast.1852H. Newland Tractarianism 133 Some mixing mortar,..some strengthening the sprung beams.1899E. Phillpotts Human Boy 12 Browne..made that noise in his throat like a sprung bat.
3. Made to fly up.
1598Sylvester Du Bartas ii. ii. iii. Colonies 431 Out amaz'd first Grand-sires faintly fled, And, like sprung Partridge, every-where did spred.
4. techn. (See quot.)
1825J. Nicholson Operat. Mechanic 601 The bevel..is termed the spring of the plank, and the edge thus bevelled is called the sprung edge.
5. a. sprung rhythm, a term coined by Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844–89) for a poetic metre used by him which approximates to the rhythm of speech and in which each foot consists of one stressed syllable either alone or followed by a varying number of unstressed syllables; hence applied to verse, etc., using this metre.
1877G. M. Hopkins Lett. to R. Bridges (1955) 43 The Deutschland, though in sprung rhythm, is marked with accents.Ibid. 45, I do not of course claim to have invented sprung rhythms but only sprung rhythm; I mean that single lines and instances of it are not uncommon in English.Ibid., The choruses in Samson Agonistes are intermediate between counterpointed and sprung rhythm. In reality they are sprung.Ibid. 46 Why do I employ sprung rhythm at all? Because it is the nearest to the rhythm of prose,..the least forced, the most rhetorical and emphatic of all possible rhythms.1879Let. 27 Feb./10 Mar. in Hopkins & Dixon Corr. (1935) 23, I shd. add that the word Sprung which I use for this rhythm means something like abrupt and applies by rights only where one stress follows another running, without syllable between.c1883Poems 3 Sprung Rhythm, as used in this book, is measured by feet of from one to four syllables, regularly, and for particular effects any number of weak or slack syllables may be used.Ibid. 6 Sprung rhythm..has..ceased to be used since the Elizabethan age, Greene being the last writer who can be said to have recognized it.1935W. B. Yeats Let. 16 Dec. (1954) 844, I think of writing for the first time in sprung verse (four stresses) with a certain amount of rhyme.1940H. S. Walpole Roman Fountain xii. 169 ‘But the metre ―’ ‘This is sprung verse and you can run as many syllables into a line as you please.’1961Listener 23 Nov. 863/1 The myth is created in strikingly personal terms—a kind of sprung verse, for example, developed [by Isaac Rosenberg] quite independently of Hopkins.1977J. Milroy Lang. of G. M. Hopkins v. 116 Many ‘sprung’ lines can be quoted in which some of the metric feet have only one strongly stressed syllable.
b. transf. in Mus.
1944M. Tippett String Quartet No. 2 in F sharp (verso front cover), The 4th movement needs a decisively sprung rhythm on which virtually the whole movement is based.1959Listener 8 Jan. 80/1 The Heart's Assurance was the first work in which Tippett's long-breathed melody and sprung rhythm flowered into what one might call creative ornamentation.1975Gramophone Jan. 1313/3 Even an early work like the Double Concerto..whose characteristic ‘sprung-rhythm’ style, derived from the Elizabethan and Jacobean madrigal,..demands from the string orchestra a litheness and an emancipation from the bar-line that were not common in those days.
6. Produced unexpectedly in order to disconcert (in quots., of an alibi which has been ‘sprung’ upon the prosecution in a court of law). Cf. spring v.1 21 d.
1966Listener 1 Sept. 301/1 The sprung alibi in which the defence suddenly at the last minute..produces an alibi which has not been heard of before.1973Smith & Keenan Eng. Law (ed. 4) ii. 22 The abuse of ‘sprung’ or late alibis had been so widespread in criminal trials that Sect. 11 of the Criminal Justice Act, 1967, provides that, in general, notice of alibi must be given in advance of a trial on indictment. This is not required in summary trials because of the ease with which the prosecution can ask for an adjournment where the defendant ‘springs’ an alibi on the prosecution at the last moment.
II. sprung, ppl. a.2
[Irreg. f. spring v.2 by analogy with spring v.1, sprung ppl. a.1 The expected regular form, springed, is rare.]
1. Provided with a spring or springs. Also Comb., as sprung-edge(d) adj.
1884F. J. Britten Watch & Clockm. 246 Sprung above [or] Sprung over [is] a watch in which the balance spring is attached to the staff above the balance.1909Westm. Gaz. 11 Nov. 5/1 An entirely new form of suspension is to be introduced which is claimed not only to render the best sprung car extremely coarse in comparison, but which does away with springs altogether.1916‘Boyd Cable’ Action Front 146 The longer but smoother journey in the sweetly⁓sprung motor ambulance.1932Daily Tel. 8 Oct. 19/6 (Advt.), 50 luxuriously sprung easy chairs in various coverings.1948, etc. [see interior-sprung mattress s.v. interior a. 4].1976Star (Sheffield) 29 Oct. 3/3 (Advt.), 3 piece 10 cushioned traditional suite in high quality Dralon, incorporating sprung-edged seating.1976Evening Standard 29 Dec. 6 (Advt.), Pocketed spring mattress. Sprung-edge base.
2. Of a floor, esp. a dance floor: constructed so as to be resilient. Cf. spring floor s.v. spring n.1 25 a.
1939[implied in unsprung ppl. a.2].1966J. B. Priestley Salt is Leaving xv. 202 Lights all colours. Sprung floor. Five-piece band.1972G. Hale Floors ix. 91 Spring floors, floors intended for dancing should have a degree of resilience and for this reason ballroom floors..are often fully sprung.1978Daily Tel. 31 Oct. 19/5 The hotel's sprung dance floor still exists.




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