

单词 horned
释义 horned, a.|ˈhɔːnɪd, hɔːnd|
I. [f. horn n. + -ed2. (OE. had hyrned, from hyrnan:—*hurnjan: cf. OHG. gihurnet.)]
1. a. Having horns or antlers; cornuted.
a1400–50Alexander 4267 Hald we no hors..ne na horned stottis.1413Pilgr. Sowle (Caxton 1483) ii. xlv. 51 Somme of them were horned, as boolys.1590Spenser F.Q. iii. x. 47 Emongst the horned heard.1667Milton P.L. x. 525 Cerastes hornd, Hydrus, and Ellops drear.1756–7tr. Keysler's Trav. (1760) III. 175 The..horned cattle brought from Umbria.1887Bowen Virg. Eclogue v. 33 Bull to the horned herd, and the corn to a fruitful plain.
b. Logic. horned syllogism (argument, etc.): the dilemma.
1548Horned question [see horn n. 27].1551T. Wilson Logike (1580) 34 b, Dilemna, otherwise..called a horned argument.1620T. Granger Div. Logike 285 note, Dilemma..A forked or horned Syllogisme.1837–8Sir W. Hamilton Logic xviii. (1866) I. 351 An hypothetico-disjunctive syllogism is called the dilemma or horned syllogism.
c. fig.
1889W. B. Yeats Wanderings of Oisin 137 Between the hornèd hills.1955E. Pound Classic Anthol. iii. 195 High spouts the water, from the hornèd spring.
2. a. Having, bearing, or wearing an appendage, ornament, etc., called a horn; having horn-like projections or excrescenses.
a1300Cursor M. 6655 Quen moyses had broght þe lagh..þam thoght him hornd apon farr.1382Wyclif Exod. xxxiv. 29 He wiste not that his face was horned of the cumpanye of the word of God.a1450Knt. de la Tour (1868) 63 He saide that the women that were so horned were lyche to be horned snailes and hertis and vnicornes.1585Horned beetle [see hornet n. 3].1650Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. v. ix. (1686) 201 One side of a Silver Medal we find Moses horned.c1695J. Miller Descr. N. York (1843) 6 In the middle of the line from thence northward is a horned work.1850H. W. Torrens in Jrnl. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 33 A peculiar horned or crested helmet.1856Bryant Poems, Count of Greiers i, The horned crags are shining.1867J. B. Rose tr. Virgil's æneid 13 Screened By the horned altar.1882M. E. Braddon Mt. Royal I. i. 14 That horned coast is said to have given its name to Cornwall.
b. horned adder, an African snake, Bitis cornuta, belonging to the viper family; horned crow or pie, old name of the hornbill; horned dace U.S., a small freshwater fish, Semotilus atromaculatus, of the family Cyprinidæ; horned frog, (a) a lizard of the genus Phrynosoma, having the head and back covered with spikes (U.S.); also horned toad; (b) a South American frog of the genus Ceratophrys which has horn-like projections on its eyelids; horned helmet, the gastropod mollusc, Cassis cornuta, or its shell, from which cameos are cut; horned hog, (a) the babiroussa: see hog n.1 3; (b) a kind of fish with a horn on its head (obs.); horned horse, the Gnu; horned lizard = horned frog (a) (s.v. horned a. 2 b); horned poppy, the yellow sea-poppy, Glaucium flavum; horned pout, an American catfish, Ictalurus (formerly Ameiurus) nebulosus, introduced into western Europe about 1880, = horn-pout (horn n. 30); horned rattlesnake, a desert snake, Crotalus cerastes, found in the south-western U.S. and Mexico; = side-winder2; horned screamer, a large black and white bird, Anhima cornuta, distinguished by a hornlike process on its forehead and found in marshy country in the northern half of South America; horned snake, (a) = hoop-snake (s.v. hoop n.1 13 b); (b) = horned viper; horned-snout, the rhinoceros (obs.); horned toad, (a) = horned frog (a) s.v. horned a. 2 b; (b) = horned frog (b); horned viper, a venomous African snake, Cerastes cornutus, distinguished by a horny scale above each eye. Also horned lark, owl, etc.
1878A. Aylward Transvaal of To-Day xii. 244 The *horned adder—a rather rare variety—is one of the worst of these pests.1929W. Rose Veld & Vlei 175 The Horned Adder..favours sandy localities, where, buried to the eyes, it watches for any lizards or mice that are unwary enough to approach within striking distance.1947J. Stevenson-Hamilton Wild Life S. Afr. xxxvi. 329 The Horned Adder... Also a dangerous viper, is usually found in sand regions.
1842Nat. Hist. N.Y., Zool. IV. 199 The Horned Sucker is common in most of the fresh-water streams of this state... It is known under the various popular names of Barbel, Dace, and *Horned Dace.1896Jordan & Evermann Fishes Amer. i. 222 Semotilus Atromaculatus... Horned-dace; Creek-chub.1963P. A. Parsons Outdoor Life Compl. Bk. Fresh Water Fishing iv. 45 They [sc. creek chubs] are often called horned dace, and are found in creeks and rivers from Montana and New Mexico to the Atlantic Coast and south to Florida.
1831E. Griffith et al. tr. Cuvier's Animal Kingdom IX. 395 It is of the *horned frogs, with concealed tympanum, that Gravenhorst has made his genus Stombus, but they have teeth like the others, and should not be approximated to the toads.1841Catlin N. Amer. Ind. (1844) II. xliv. 78 The horned frog..specimens..with the horns of half and three-fourths of an inch in length and very sharp at the points.1847G. F. Ruxton Adv. Mexico 156 The cameleon is the ‘horned frog’ of the prairies of America.1902P. Fountain Gt. Mountains & Forests S. Amer. xi. 290 In all outward aspects they resemble toads... They are very revolting-looking creatures, and are mostly of the species known as South American horned frogs. The common horned frog of Brazil is among them.1962H. R. Smyth Amphibians & their Ways xviii. 225 The Horned Frog possesses sharp teeth on his upper jaws and sharp bony processes on the lower jaw; what is more, he does not hesitate to use those teeth.
1863*Horned Helmet-shell [see helmet n. 5].1876Encycl. Brit. IV. 740/1 The black helmet (Cassis tuberosa) of the West Indian seas, the horned helmet (C. cornuta) of Madagascar..are also employed [for cameos].1966A. G. Melvin Sea Shells of World 92/2 Cassis cornuta L. Indo-Pac[ific]. Horned Helmet. Whitish... Interior is golden brown.
1702Collect. Voy. (1729) III. 413 The *Horned-Hog. A small flat Fish, with a Horn on his Head, notcht on one Side only.
1806W. Clark in R. G. Thwaites Lewis & Clark Exped. (1905) IV. 325 The *Horned Lizzard is also common.1844J. Gregg Commerce Prairies II. 231 Horned frog..horned lizard, as those of earlier times more rationally called it.1931Times Educ. Suppl. 13 June p. iv/3 Among the new arrivals..some horned lizards known in America as ‘horn toads’ are of special interest.1969A. Bellairs Life of Reptiles II. xii. 498 The spiny little horned lizards (Phrynosoma) are able to squirt drops of blood from their eyes for several feet.
15481870 *Horned poppy [see poppy n. I. 3].1909Daily Mail 5 Aug. 9/3 The horned poppy is particularly plentiful in Start Bay.1938R. Gathorne-Hardy Wild Flowers in Britain vi. 41 The Yellow Horned Poppy..is named from the long curved fruit, which, like an orange tree, it bears at the same time as its blossom.1963W. Blunt Of Flowers & Village 140 Of course you know the horned poppy—Glaucium flavum.
1837*Horned pout [see pout n.1].1839Storer & Peabody Rep. Fishes Mass. 102 The Horned Pout..is highly esteemed as an article of food.1890K. D. Wiggin Timothy's Quest 126 The baby horned-pouts rustled their whiskers drowsily.1969A. Wheeler Fishes Brit. Isles & N.W. Europe 222/1 Horned Pout... A common fish in still or slow-flowing waters, it is found in many ponds, canals and lowland rivers in western Europe. Not so far reported as feral in the British Isles.
1870Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. IV. 67 The following do not occur west of this region..*Horned Rattlesnake, [etc.].1888Buck's Handbk. Med. Sci. VI. 166/1 Crotalus cerastes Hallowell, Horned Rattlesnake, ‘Side⁓winder’.1965R. & D. Morris Men & Snakes viii. 193 This special form of locomotion..occurs in..the horned rattlesnake or ‘sidewinder’ of North America.
1785,1869–73*Horned screamer [see screamer 3 a].1970R. Meyer de Schauensee Guide to Birds S. Amer. 30/1 Horned screamer... General plumage glossy greenish black.
1775J. Adams Diary 21 Sept. in Wks. (1850) II. 426 Every dip of his pen stung like a *horned snake.1784[see bull-snake (bull n.1 11)].1812A. Plumptre tr. Lichtenstein's Trav. S. Afr. I. i. vii. 95 The heat of the day brought out a great many snakes; we killed two of very venemous kinds, one the horned snake, as it is called (coluber cerastes).1851D. B. Woods Sixteen Months at Gold Diggings 134 It answers the description of horned snake. It is said that, taking the end of its tail in its mouth, it will form a perfect hoop with its body, rolling rapidly over till it reaches the object at which it aims.1864T. Baines Explor. S.-W. Afr. xiii. 374, I found and captured a cerastes, or horned snake, sixteen or eighteen inches long, lying in the path.
1661Lovell Hist. Anim. & Min. 79 *Hornd-snout. Rhinoceros.
1806Massachusetts Spy 16 July (Th.), A venerable Philosopher [sc. Thomas Jefferson] sitting in the middle of an immense Map, marked with vast prairies, huge rivers, and mountains of salt: surrounded by piles of Mammoth's bones, stuffed squirrel skins, and *horned toads.1883Harper's Mag. Oct. 706/1, I put my horned toad in his cage out in the sun.1914E. G. Boulenger Reptiles & Batrachians iv. 70 The genus Phrynosoma, the Horned Toads, as these small, much flattened lizards are often called, inhabit the Southern United States and Mexico.1956C. H. Pope Reptile World 282 The grotesqueness of horned toads makes their bluffing antics ludicrous in the extreme.1901H. Gadow in Cambr. Nat. Hist. VIII. vi. 218 These ‘horned toads’ make a squeaking noise when teazed.1956G. Durrell Drunken Forest vii. 134 ‘Horned toads..three beauties.’.. The largest..was about the circumference of a saucer, and three-quarters of his bulk seemed to consist of head.
1767Phil. Trans. LVI. 287 The..*horned viper of Egypt..is very rare, and scarce to be found in any of the cabinets of natural curiosities in Europe.1863[see cerastes].1926T. E. Lawrence Seven Pillars (1935) iv. xlvii. 269 This year the valley seemed creeping with horned vipers.1957Schmidt & Inger Living Reptiles of World 162/2 The sharp-tailed worm lizard..is thought erroneously by the natives to be the very poisonous young of the horned viper, Cerastes cornutus.1973‘A. Hall’ Tango Briefing iii. 47 ‘Mine was a horned viper—see that?’ He showed me the fang-marks.
3. a. Having crescent horns, crescent-shaped.
c1400Lydg. Floure Curtesie 2 In Fevrier, whan the frosty mone Was horned.c1560A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) xiv. 3 Hornit Dyane, with hir paly glemis.1624Massinger Renegado ii. v, These knights of Malta..with their crosses Struck pale your horned moons.1810Vince Elem. Astron. viii. 89 Venus and Mercury appear, first horned.
b. horned cairn, a type of long barrow peculiar to Scotland.
1877W. Greenwell Brit. Barrows 481 They are in all particulars, except in shape, like the ‘horned’ long cairns.1907T. R. Holmes Anc. Brit. i. iii. 106 Intimately related to certain chambered long barrows and the famous horned cairns, which exist only in Caithness.1954S. Piggott Neolithic Cultures viii. 238 These ‘horned cairns’ as they have been known since the nineteenth-century definition of the type.
4. Of a cuckold: see horn n. 7. Obs.
1626Middleton Anything for Quiet Life iv. ii, Thou art a beast, a hornèd beast, an ox!1719D'Urfey Pills I. 349 The horn'd Herd within yon City Wall.1830in Roxb. Ball. (1890) VII. 195 You horned fumbling Cuckolds, in city, court, or town.
5. Applied to bishops with reference to the shape of the mitre. Obs.
c1425Lydg. Pilgr. Lyf Manhode 1663 Ye that han in subieccioun Peplys vnder your prelacye..Thogh ye be hornyd to syth [= sight] outward [etc.].1558Knox Serm. in Sel. Writ. (1845) 236 Our horned and mitred bishops.a1651Calderwood Hist. Kirk (1843) II. 172 To the servants of the devill, to your dumbe dogges, and horned bishops.
6. Armed or furnished with horn or horny substance.
1590Spenser F.Q. iii. x. 45 All day they [Satyrs] daunced..And with their horned feet the greene gras wore.
7. Provided, fitted, or ornamented with horn.
1801Wolcott (P. Pindar) Tears & Smiles Wks. 1812 V. 42 Of spectacles that rode his nose He wink'd through each horn'd glass.1884Pall Mall G. Extra 24 July 9/2 Specimens of horns mounted in silver and horned goods generally.
II. [f. horn. v. + -ed1.]
8. Sc. Law. ‘Put to the horn’; proclaimed a rebel. Obs.
1705Hickeringill Priest-cr. i. (1721) 38 The horn'd Man has no Remedy but to fly out of the Kingdom of Scotland.
Hence ˈhornedness, horned condition.
1777Brand Pop. Antiq. (1849) III. 241 The hornedness of the moon.1852J. Martineau Ess., Rev. etc. (1891) III. 417 The previous coexistence of hornedness and rumination in our conception.




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