

单词 hewe
释义 I. hewe Obs.
Also 1 pl. hiwan, 2 pl. hiwun, 2–3 heowe, 4 hewen.
[OE. híwan pl. (of *híwa), members of a household, domestics, ME. hiwen, heowen, hewen, heowes and hewes pl.; also (later) hewe sing. = ON. hjú, hjún, OHG. hîwun, hîun, man and wife, members of the household, domestics, MDu. huwen domestics (OHG. sing. hîwo husband, hîwa wife); deriv. of hîw-, Goth. heiwa- household (in heiwafrauja, Mk. xiv. 14, οἰκοδεσπότης, master of the household, ‘good-man of the house’. Cf. hewen, hide n.2, hind n.2, hird).
The Teut. hiwa- is thought by some to be coradicate with L. civis citizen.]
A domestic, a servant.
a1000O.E. Chron. (Laud MS.) an. 757 Hine of sloᵹon his hiwan.c1000Ags. Gosp. Mark v. 19 Ga to þinum huse to þinum hiwum [c 1160 Hatton G. heowen].a1175Cott. Hom. 225 Ga inn seðen mid þine hiwun.a1310in Wright Lyric P. xlii. 114 Mury hit ys in hyre tour, wyth hatheles ant wyth heowes.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. v. 559 He ne with⁓halt non hewe [A. vi. 42 non hyne] his hire þat he ne hath it at euen.Ibid. xiv. 3, I have an houswyf hewen and children.c1386Chaucer Merch. T. 541 O seruaunt tray⁓tour, false hoomly hewe.1390Gower Conf. I. 173 This fals envious hewe..torneth preising into blame.
II. hewe
obs. f. heave v.; erron. f. hove v.




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