

单词 frayne
释义 I. frayne, n.1 Obs.
Also freyn.
[a. OF. fraisne, fresne (Fr. frêne):—L. fraxinus.]
An ash.
c1325Lai le Freine 225 The Freyns of the asche is a freyn After the language of Breteyn.c1380Sir Ferumb. 1035 Vnder a tre of frayne.c1490Caxton Ovid's Met. x. iv, Lawrers..ffresnes, Cornyliers.
II. frayne, n.2 Obs.
? A mark or streak on a horse. Hence frayned a., ? streaked; brindled.
1539Richmond Wills (Surtees) 16, I bequeth to my brother..a great franeid meire.1550Will of R. Maddox (Somerset Ho.), My frayned gray troting gelding.1614Markham Cheap Husb. 4 His colour would euer be milke white with red fraynes.
III. frayne, n.3 Obs. rare—1.
[? f. OF. fraindre to break; cf. refrain.]
1555Abp. Parker Ps. A ij, Observe the frayne: the ceasure marke To rest with note in close.
IV. frayne, freyne, v. Obs. exc. dial.
Forms: 1 freᵹnan, friᵹnan, frínan, 3 fræinen, -ien, Orm. fraȝȝnenn, (frayny, south. vraini), 3–5 frein(e(n, 4–5 frain(e, fran(e, -ayn(e, -eyn(e, (4 freygne, 5 frayen, fraynne), 9– frayn. Also pa. tense 4 frain.
[A Com. Teut. str. vb. inflected in ME. as wk.; OE. freᵹnan, friᵹnan, frínan (pa. tense fræᵹn, frán, pl. fruᵹnon, frúnon, also wk. (ᵹe)-fræᵹnade) = OS. fregnan (pa. tense fragn), ON. fregna (pa. tense frá), Goth. fraihnan (pa. tense frah); the Teut. root *freh-, freg- is found also in OE. fricᵹan to ask, fricca herald, freht (= *freoht, friht) oracle, and (with different vowel-grade) in OS. frâgôn (Du. vragen), OHG. frâgên, frâhen (MHG. vrâgen, mod.Ger. fragen); further (with metathesis), OHG. fergôn to ask, beg. The OAryan root is *prek-, prk-, found e.g. in L. precārī to pray; and with -sk- suffix in L. poscĕre (:—*porksk-), Ger. forschen to demand.]
1. trans. To make inquiry of (a person) about (something); = ask v. 2–6 (which see for constructions).
Beowulf (Z.) 1319 (He) fræᵹn ᵹif him wære æfter neod⁓laðum niht ᵹetæse.a800Corpus Gloss. C 581 (Hessels) Consulo, friᵹno.c900tr. Bæda's Hist. iv. iii. (1890) 268 Hine fruᵹnon and ascodon his ᵹeferan, for hwon he þis dyde.c1000Ags. Ps. cxxxviii[i]. 20 Þone fælan ᵹeþanc frine me syþþan.c1205Lay. 30734 Brien hine gon fræine of his fare-coste.a1300Cursor M. 7193 Sua lang sco frain him, þat bald, þat suilk a gabing he hir tald.c1325Metr. Hom. (1862) 151 And this ermyt bigan to frain At Satenas, hou he hafd spedde.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. viii. 3 And frayned ful oft of folke þat I mette, If ani wiȝte wiste where dowel was at Inne.c1420Sir Amadace (Camd.) xvii, Sir Amadace franut hur the marchandes name.a1450Le Morte Arth. 678 And sithe he freyned also swithe, ‘How fares my lady brighte’?1501Douglas Pal. Hon. i. xi, I..fast at thame did frane Quhat men thay wer?1522Skelton Why nat to Court 397 Of you I wolde frayne Why come ye nat to court.1555Abp. Parker Ps. xxviii. 65 Theyr myndes disdayne Gods actes to fraine.1575–6Durham Depos. (Surtees) 270 The said Umphra frayned the said Thomas.1592Warner Alb. Eng. vii. xxxvii. (1612) 181, I, musing, frain'd her meaning.1703Thoresby Let. to Ray (E.D.S.) Frayn, to ask. Lanc.1803W. S. Rose Amadis 160 Frayn'd by the knight, they told, a beautious maid..Was borne a prisoner.
b. intr. To make inquiries; to inquire at or of (a person); to ask after (a person), of = about (a thing).
c900tr. Bæda's Hist. iv. xix. [xxi]. (1890) 316 Swa swa me seolfum frinendum..Wilferþ biscop sæᵹde.c1200Ormin 19628 Þa Farisewwess haffdenn sket Off Cristess dedess fraȝȝnedd.c1275O.E. Misc. 92/73 Þagh þu frayny after freond, ne fyndestu non.a1300Cursor M. 3849 Þai fran⁓nid o þar frendes fare.a1420Hoccleve De Reg. Princ. 3745 Thus of hir he gan to axe and freyne.c1420Sir Amadace (Camd.) lvi, If he frayne oȝte aftur me..Say him my sute is quite.c1430Syr Tryam. 1099 The kyng at hym can frayne.c1450Holland Howlat 261 He franyt Of thar counsall in this caiss.c1475Rauf Coilᵹear 227 He began to frane farther mair.1568A. Scott Poems (S.T.S.) xxxiv. 45 Ȝe preiche, ȝe fleich, ȝe frane.
2. a. trans. To ask for (a thing); to request (a person) to do something. b. intr. To ask, request. Const. for.
13..E.E. Allit. P. A. 129 Fortune fares þer as ho fray⁓nez.c1425Wyntoun Cron. viii. vi. 39 For þis as scho fraynyd fast, He consentyd at þe last.c1430Syr Gener. (Roxb.) 485 He can him frayn Al the sothe him to sayn.
Hence ˈfrayning vbl. n.
a1300Cursor M. 27371 Þe preist bi-gin þan his franyng.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints, Adrian 30 Þe kynge..one þis wyis mad franyng.c1394P. Pl. Crede 27 By a fraynyng forþan faileþ þer manye.1536Bellenden Cron. Scot. (1821) II. 207 At last, be lang franing of his wife, he schew quhat schame the king had done to him.




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