

单词 familiarity
释义 familiarity|fəˌmɪlɪˈærɪtɪ|
Forms: 4 famularite, -iarite, familarite, 5–7 familiarite(e, -ie, -iarte, (5 -yaryte), famyliarite, (6 -tie, 7 -ty, 5 -tye, 6 -yaryte), 6– familiarity.
[a. F. familiarité, ad. L. familiāritāt-em, f. familiāris: see familiar and -ity.]
The quality or state of being familiar.
1. The quality proper to the head of a household, hospitality. Obs. rare.
a1483Liber Niger in Househ. Ord. 18 Hardeknoute may be called a fader noreshoure of familiaritie.
2. The quality proper to a member of the family; hence, behaviour due from a retainer or a familiar friend, devotion, fidelity. Obs.
c1440Secrees, Largesse engendrys ffamiliarite, þat ys trew seruice.1526Pilgr. Perf. (W. de W. 1531) 17 b, All this he dyd to gyue us an occasyon of reuerent familiarite.1548Hall Chron. 172 The duke of Yorke ledde the Quene with great familiaritie to all mens sightes.1576Fleming Panopl. Epist. 116 A man ful of familiaritie and courteous acquaintance.
3. Suitableness, fitness (of food, etc.). Obs.
1551Turner Herbal i. (1568) M vj a, A certayne familiaritie that is betwene their natures.1646Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. iii. xxi. 159 There is..required in the aliment a familiarity of matter.
4. The state of being very friendly or intimate, friendly intercourse; intimacy with (a person).
c1450tr. T. à Kempis' Imit. iii. xlii, Þese folke comeþ not..to þe grace of my iocunde familiarite.1533Bellenden Livy i. (1822) 87 Nocht alanerlie had he familiarite with the saidis princes of Latinis.1588J. Udall Demonstr. Discip. (Arb.) 27 The louing familiarity that shoulde be betwixt the minister and his people.1664Marvell Corr. Wks. 1872–5 II. 174 The old familiarity and kindness betwixt the two Kings.1727De Foe Syst. Magic i. iv. (1840) 111 When this familiarity is once obtained with the evil spirit.1761Hume Hist. Eng. II. xxvii. 127 [He] resolved to introduce Wolsey to the young prince's familiarity.1880L. Stephen Pope iii. 61 Pope was not disinclined to pride himself upon his familiarity with the great.
b. Undue intimacy.
1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) VII. 163 He [Edward]..his owne moder for suspecte famuliarite and homlynes deprived of al hire goodes.1600J. Pory tr. Leo's Africa ii. 206 If any of them offer to have familiaritie with their wiues, they punish him most seuerely.
c. concr. A familiar person or persons. Also collect., a circle of intimate friends or connexions.
a1635Naunton Fragm. Reg. (Arb.) 43 A Lady of great honour, of the Kings familiarity.1643Milton Divorce Wks. 1738 I. 201 The leaving of Parents, or other familiarity whatsoever.1665J. Webb Stone-Heng (1725) 125 Such frivolous Reasons..as unto all judicious Men, even those of his own Familiarity, are ridiculous.
5. Close or habitual acquaintance with (a thing); constant practical knowledge, habituation.
1601Shakes. All's Well v. ii. 3 When I haue held familiaritie with fresher cloathes.a1732Atterbury (J.), We contract at last such an intimacy and familiarity with them, as makes it difficult and irksome for us to call off our minds.1841Elphinstone Hist. Ind. I. 305 The familiarity occasioned by the daily sight of its ceremonies.1854Brewster More Worlds xvii. 256 Our daily familiarity with the ordinary phenomena of life.
6. Absence of ceremony, free or unrestrained intercourse, esp. with inferiors. Proverb, Familiarity breeds, brings, familiarity creates contempt.
c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 44 Haue þei so muche famularite or homlynesse.1477Earl Rivers (Caxton) Dictes 40 Hyt behoueth a kyng to..be conuersant amongis them [his people] without ouermoche famylyarite.1548Udall, etc. Erasm. Par. John 34 a, Familiaritie bringeth contempte.1599Minsheu Dial. Sp. & Eng. 65/2 Much familiaritie oftentimes breedes contempt.1647Clarendon Hist. Reb. i. (1843) 15/1 Olivarez had been heard to censure very severely the duke's familiarity..towards the prince.1667Evelyn Publ. Employment in Misc. Wks. (1835) 535 Familiarity creates contempt.1797Mrs. Radcliffe Italian vii, To allow him an unusual degree of familiarity in conversation.1876M. E. Braddon J. Haggard's Dau. II. 102 Jim greeted his stepmother with frank familiarity.
b. An instance of familiar behaviour in action, speech, or expression; something allowed or justified only on the ground of intimacy. Usually in pl.
1641J. Jackson True Evang. T. iii. 180 Any other noble, and lawfull familiarities of intimacie, and deerenesse.1697Collier Ess. Mor. Subj. i. (1709) 33 If you Confound these two Relations [of Master and Servant] by lavish and indiscreet Familiarities, you destroy the Respect.1821Lamb Elia Ser. i. New Year's Eve, Misbecoming familiarities inscribed upon your ordinary tombstones.1875Mrs. Randolph W. Hyacinth I. 10 Too great [awe] to allow of his being guilty of a familiarity.
7. Astrol. (See quot.)
1819J. Wilson Dict. Astrol. 99 Familiarities, called also configurations or aspects.




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