

单词 subsidize
释义 subsidize, v.|ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz|
[f. subsidy + -ize.]
1. trans.
a. To make a payment for the purpose of securing the services of (mercenary or alien troops).
1795Seward Anecd. (1796) III. 382 Lord Chatham was obliged to call in to its aid the mercenary troops of other Nations: these..he subsidised with a liberal..hand.1803Wellington in Gurw. Desp. (1835) II. 223 The latter has agreed to subsidize one company of artillery and two battalions of native infantry.1838Prescott Ferd. & Is. ii. xiv, He obtained a small supply of men from his Italian allies, and subsidized a corps of 8000 Swiss.1878Lecky Eng. in 18th Cent. I. iii. 350 An army of about 44000 Swedes, Danes, and Hessians was subsidised.
b. To furnish (a country, nation, princes) with a subsidy for the purpose of securing their assistance or their neutrality in war.
a1797H. Walpole Mem. Reign Geo. III (1845) I. vii. 105 Little Princes are subsidized, when not worthy of reciprocation.1805Spirit Publ. Jrnls. IX. 1, I have sought relief in hearing the censure of Administration for subsidizing the Continent.1860L. V. Harcourt Diaries G. Rose I. 66 To subsidize one power against another.
2. transf.
a. To secure the services of by payment or bribery.
1815W. H. Ireland Scribbleomania 26 note, Deigning to subsidize a venal pen in order to throw a gloss over the flagrant dereliction.1871Daily News 6 Nov., It was..to abstain..from subsidising the press.1899Kipling Stalky 66 The three..stood to attention..in full view of all the visitors, to whom fags, subsidised for that end, pointed them out as victims of Prout's tyranny.
fig.1862F. Hall Hindu Philos. Syst. 122 In its operations, it [sc. the soul] subsidizes all the sense-organs.
b. To furnish funds for (a scheme or course of action). rare.
1858Froude Hist. Eng. III. xvi. 431 Like so many of the northern abbots, he might have been hoarding a fund to subsidize insurrection.
c. To support by grants of money: now esp. of the government or some central authority contributing to the upkeep of an institution, etc.
1828Southey in Q. Rev. XXXVIII. 592 For the British Government to pay the Roman Catholic clergy would be to subsidize the Court of Rome against itself.1871Pall Mall Gaz. 23 Aug. 10 M. Thiers' unhappy stroke of financial ingenuity actually subsidizes the detested Teuton.1876J. Grant Burgh Sch. Scot. ii. iii. 129 In several places, we find the councils actually subsidizing adventure schools.1885Manch. Exam. 17 Feb. 5/2 The schools..have been subsidised by grants from the county magistrates.1911War Dept. Provis. Subsidy Scheme 1 The full terms under which the War Department will subsidize vehicles.
Hence ˈsubsidized, ˈsubsidizing vbl. n. and ppl. a.; subsidiˈzation, ˈsubsidizer.
1817Coleridge Biog. Lit. (1907) I. 142 The abandonment of the subsidizing policy, so far at least as neither to goad or bribe the continental courts into war.1870W. R. Greg Pol. Probl. 29 The encouragers and subsidisers of all other states through their crises of despondency and destitution.1872Daily News 25 Mar., Every country has its subsidized lines of steamers, which carry mails to all parts of the world.1881Athenæum 27 Aug. 274/1 The subsidizing of political benefit societies by well-to-do Conservatives.1884Pall Mall Gaz. 27 May 5/2 He..put an extinguisher upon all hopes of a conference with the subsidizing nations, or the introduction of a countervailing tariff.1907Daily Chron. 1 Jan. 5/5 The statement as to Mr. Schiff's subsidisation of the alleged Galveston scheme is inaccurate.1908Athenæum 31 Oct. 545/3 It was about to cease as a subsidized publication of the French Government.




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