

单词 reacknowledge
释义 reackˈnowledge, v.
[re- 5 a. In early use suggested by L. recognoscĕre or F. reconnoître.]
1. trans. To recognize, confess, acknowledge.
1550J. Coke Eng. & Fr. Heralds §225 (1877) 123 You, syr herald of Fraunce,..for ever herafter, shall reacknowledge your dutie, gevynge place to the heralde of Englande.1555Harpsfield in Bonner's Homilies 10 He teacheth vs in oure prayers, to reacknowledge oure selues synners.
2. To reconnoitre, explore. Obs. rare—1.
1622F. Markham Bk. War v. ix. 196 To find out and reacknowledge the natures, dispositions and inclinations of all the Enemies Commaunders.
3. To acknowledge again or anew.
1640Habington Edw. IV 70 King Henry set at libertie went..to Pauls Church, the Clergy, Nobility, and Commonalty reacknowledging all obedience to him.1657J. Sergeant Schism Dispach't 614 If then..they have broke in peeces his Church, and renounced the only-certain grounds of his law, they must..restore both to their former integrity by reacknowledging them.1715Pope Lett. (1735) I. 232 This puts me in mind of reacknowledging your continu'd Endeavours to enrich me.
Hence reackˈnowledgement, -ledging.
1598Florio, Resipiscentia,..a reacknowledging.1611Ibid., Riconoscenza, reacknowledgement.




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