

单词 swaged
释义 I. swaged, ppl. a.1 Obs.
[f. swage v.1 + -ed1.]
Reduced, restrained.
a1603T. Cartwright Confut. Rhem. N.T. Pref. (1618) 13 They can put no difference betweene a swelling and swaged speech, betweene an honest homely stile, and that which is pricked and pranked vp.
II. swaged, ppl. a.2|sweɪdʒd|
[f. swage n.2 and v.3 + -ed.]
1. Having a swage or ornamental groove, moulding, etc. Obs.
1487in Surrey Archæ ol. Coll. III. 164, I bequeathe to said Elizabeth my daughter..ii gobletts of silver swaged.1490in Somerset Med. Wills (1901) 292, 3 bollyd peces swagid.1535in Strype Mem. Cranmer (1694) App. xvi. 27 Three standing Cups; one plain, and other two swaged with their Covers of silver and gilt.a1548Hall Chron., Hen. VIII, 157 At the nether ende were two broade arches vpon thre antike pillers all of gold, burnished swaged and grauen full of Gargills and Serpentes.
2. Shaped with a swage.
1842Civil Eng. & Arch. Jrnl. V. 286/2 If we only take the trouble to anneal such a swaged axle after it has received the most severe compression.1859F. S. Cooper Ironmongers' Catal. 169 Candlesticks, Plain Round..Swaged..Plain Oblong.1894Times 16 Aug. 6/3 Hammered moulds or swaged steel.




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