

单词 cool
释义 cool
adj., n., & v.
  1. of or at a fairly low temperature, fairly cold (a cool day; a cool bath).
  2. suggesting or achieving coolness (cool colours; cool clothes).
  3. calm, unexcited.
  4. lacking zeal or enthusiasm.
  5. unfriendly; lacking cordiality (got a cool reception).
  6. (of jazz playing) restrained, relaxed.
  7. calmly audacious (a cool customer).
  8. (prec. by a) colloq. at least; not less than (cost me a cool thousand).
  9. sl. esp. US excellent, marvellous.
  1. coolness.
  2. cool air; a cool place.
  3. sl. calmness, composure (keep one's cool; lose one's cool).
--vtr. & intr. (often foll. by down, off) make or become cool.
Phrases and idioms
cool-bag (or -box) an insulated container for keeping food cool. cool-headed not easily excited. cool one's heels see HEEL(1). cooling-off period an interval to allow for a change of mind before commitment to action. cooling tower a tall structure for cooling hot water before reuse, esp. in industry. cool it sl. relax, calm down.
coolish adj. coolly adv. coolness n.
Etymology: OE col, colian, f. Gmc: cf. COLD




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