

单词 fail
释义 fail
v. & n.
  1. intr. not succeed (failed in persuading; failed to qualify; tried but failed).
  2. a tr. & intr. be unsuccessful in (an examination, test, interview, etc.); be rejected as a candidate. b tr. (of a commodity etc.) not pass (a test of quality). c tr. reject (a candidate etc.); adjudge unsuccessful.
  3. intr. be unable to; neglect to; choose not to (I fail to see the reason; he failed to appear).
  4. tr. disappoint; let down; not serve when needed.
  5. intr. (of supplies, crops, etc.) be or become lacking or insufficient.
  6. intr. become weaker; cease functioning; break down (her health is failing; the engine has failed).
  7. intr. a (of an enterprise) collapse; come to nothing. b become bankrupt.
--n a failure in an examination or test.
Phrases and idioms
fail-safe reverting to a safe condition in the event of a breakdown etc. without fail for certain, whatever happens.
Etymology: ME f. OF faillir (v.), fail(l)e (n.) ult. f. L fallere deceive




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