

单词 shop
释义 shop
n. & v.
  1. a building, room, etc., for the retail sale of goods or services (chemist's shop; betting-shop).
  2. a place in which manufacture or repairing is done; a workshop (engineering-shop).
  3. a profession, trade, business, etc., esp. as a subject of conversation (talk shop).
  4. colloq. an institution, establishment, place of business, etc.
--v (shopped, shopping)
  1. intr. a go to a shop or shops to buy goods. b US = window-shop.
  2. tr. esp. Brit. sl. inform against (a criminal etc.).
Phrases and idioms
all over the shop colloq.
  1. in disorder (scattered all over the shop).
  2. in every place (looked for it all over the shop).
  3. wildly (hitting out all over the shop). set up shop establish oneself in business etc. shop around look for the best bargain. shop assistant Brit. a person who serves customers in a shop. shop-boy (or -girl) an assistant in a shop. shop-floor workers in a factory etc. as distinct from management.
  1. (of an article) soiled or faded by display in a shop.
  2. (of a person, idea, etc.) grubby; tarnished; no longer fresh or new. shop steward a person elected by workers in a factory etc. to represent them in dealings with management.
  1. a display window in a shop.
  2. an opportunity for displaying skills, talents, etc. shop-worn = shop-soiled.
shopless adj. shoppy adj.
Etymology: ME f. AF & OF eschoppe booth f. MLG schoppe, OHG scopf porch




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