

单词 wash
释义 wash
v. & n.
  1. tr. cleanse (oneself or a part of oneself, clothes, etc.) with liquid, esp. water.
  2. tr. (foll. by out, off, away, etc.) remove a stain or dirt in this way.
  3. intr. wash oneself or esp. one's hands and face.
  4. intr. wash clothes etc.
  5. intr. (of fabric or dye) bear washing without damage.
  6. intr. (foll. by off, out) (of a stain etc.) be removed by washing.
  7. tr. poet. moisten, water (tear-washed eyes; a rose washed with dew).
  8. tr. (of a river, sea, etc.) touch (a country, coast, etc.) with its waters.
  9. tr. (of moving liquid) carry along in a specified direction (a wave washed him overboard; was washed up on the shore).
  10. tr. a scoop out (the water had washed a channel). b erode, denude (sea-washed cliffs).
  11. intr. (foll. by over, along, etc.) sweep, move, or splash.
  12. tr. sift (ore) by the action of water.
  13. tr. a brush a thin coat of watery paint or ink over (paper in water-colour painting etc., or a wall). b (foll. by with) coat (inferior metal) with gold etc.
  1. a the act or an instance of washing; the process of being washed (give them a good wash; only needed one wash). b (prec. by the) treatment at a laundry etc. (sent them to the wash).
  2. a quantity of clothes for washing or just washed.
  3. the visible or audible motion of agitated water or air, esp. due to the passage of a ship etc. or aircraft.
  4. a soil swept off by water; alluvium. b a sandbank exposed only at low tide.
  5. kitchen slops and scraps given to pigs.
  6. a thin, weak, or inferior liquid food. b liquid food for animals.
  7. a liquid to spread over a surface to cleanse, heal, or colour.
  8. a thin coating of water-colour, wall-colouring, or metal.
  9. malt etc. fermenting before distillation.
  10. a lotion or cosmetic.
Phrases and idioms
come out in the wash colloq. be clarified, or (of contingent difficulties) be resolved or removed, in the course of time. wash-and-wear adj. (of a fabric or garment) easily and quickly laundered. wash-basin a basin for washing one's hands, face, etc. wash one's dirty linen in public see LINEN. wash down
  1. wash completely (esp. a large surface or object).
  2. (usu. foll. by with) accompany or follow (food) with a drink. washed out 1 faded by washing.
  2. pale.
  3. colloq. limp, enfeebled. washed up esp. US sl. defeated, having failed. wash one's hands euphem. go to the lavatory. wash one's hands of renounce responsibility for. wash-hand stand = WASHSTAND. wash-house a building where clothes are washed. wash-leather chamois or similar leather for washing windows etc.
wash out
  1. clean the inside of (a thing) by washing.
  2. clean (a garment etc.) by brief washing.
  3. a rain off (an event etc.). b colloq. cancel.
  4. (of a flood, downpour, etc.) make a breach in (a road etc.).
wash-out n.
  1. colloq. a fiasco; a complete failure.
  2. a breach in a road, railway track, etc., caused by flooding (see also WASHOUT).
wash up
  1. tr. (also absol.) esp. Brit. wash (crockery and cutlery) after use.
  2. US wash one's face and hands. won't wash esp. Brit. colloq. (of an argument etc.) will not be believed or accepted.
Etymology: OE w{aelig}scan etc. f. Gmc, rel. to WATER




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