

单词 enter
释义 enter
  1. a intr. (often foll. by into) go or come in. b tr. go or come into. c intr. come on stage (as a direction : enter Macbeth).
  2. tr. penetrate; go through (a bullet entered his chest).
  3. tr. (often foll. by up) write (a name, details, etc.) in a list, book, etc.
  4. a intr. register or announce oneself as a competitor (entered for the long jump). b tr. become a competitor in (an event). c tr. record the name of (a person etc.) as a competitor (entered two horses for the Derby).
  5. tr. a become a member of (a society etc.). b enrol as a member or prospective member of a society, school, etc.; admit or obtain admission for.
  6. tr. make known; present for consideration (entered a protest).
  7. tr. put into an official record.
  8. intr. (foll. by into) a engage in (conversation, relations, an undertaking, etc.). b subscribe to; bind oneself by (an agreement etc.). c form part of (one's calculations, plans, etc.). d sympathize with (feelings etc.).
  9. intr. (foll. by on, upon) a begin, undertake; begin to deal with (a subject). b assume the functions of (an office). c assume possession of (property).
  10. intr. (foll. by up) complete a series of entries in (account-books etc.).
enterer n.
Etymology: ME f. OF entrer f. L intrare




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