

单词 pump
释义 pump
n. & v.
  1. a machine, usu. with rotary action or the reciprocal action of a piston, for raising or moving liquids, compressing gases, inflating tyres, etc.
  2. an instance of pumping; a stroke of a pump.
  1. tr. (often foll. by in, out, into, up, etc.) raise or remove (liquid, gas, etc.) with a pump.
  2. tr. (often foll. by up) fill (a tyre etc.) with air.
  3. tr. remove (water etc.) with a pump.
  4. intr. work a pump.
  5. tr. (often foll. by out) cause to move, pour forth, etc., as if by pumping.
  6. tr. elicit information from (a person) by persistent questioning.
  7. tr. a move vigorously up and down. b shake (a person's hand) effusively.
Phrases and idioms
pump-brake a handle of a pump, esp. with a transverse bar for several people to work at. pump-handle colloq. shake (a person's hand) effusively. pump iron colloq. exercise with weights. pump-priming
  1. introduce fluid etc. into a pump to prepare it for working.
  2. esp. US the stimulation of commerce etc. by investment.
pump room
  1. a room where fuel pumps etc. are stored or controlled.
  2. a room at a spa etc. where medicinal water is dispensed.
Etymology: ME pumpe, pompe (orig. Naut.): prob. imit.
  1. a plimsoll.
  2. a light shoe for dancing etc.
  3. US a court shoe.
Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn.




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