

单词 mould
释义 mould
n. & v. (US mold)
  1. a hollow container into which molten metal etc. is poured or soft material is pressed to harden into a required shape.
  2. a a metal or earthenware vessel used to give shape to puddings etc. b a pudding etc. made in this way.
  3. a form or shape, esp. of an animal body.
  4. Archit. a moulding or group of mouldings.
  5. a frame or template for producing mouldings.
  6. character or disposition (in heroic mould).
  1. make (an object) in a required shape or from certain ingredients (was moulded out of clay).
  2. give a shape to.
  3. influence the formation or development of (consultation helps to mould policies).
  4. (esp. of clothing) fit closely to (the gloves moulded his hands).
mouldable adj. moulder n.
Etymology: ME mold(e), app. f. OF modle f. L modulus: see MODULUS
n. (US mold) a woolly or furry growth of minute fungi occurring esp. in moist warm conditions.
Etymology: ME prob. f. obs. mould adj.; past part. of moul grow mouldy f. ON mygla
n. (US mold)
  1. loose earth.
  2. the upper soil of cultivated land, esp. when rich in organic matter.
Phrases and idioms
mould-board the board in a plough that turns over the furrow-slice.
Etymology: OE molde f. Gmc., rel. to MEAL(2)




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