

单词 head
释义 head
n., adj., & v.
  1. the upper part of the human body, or the foremost or upper part of an animal's body, containing the brain, mouth, and sense-organs.
  2. a the head regarded as the seat of intellect or repository of comprehended information. b intelligence; imagination (use your head). c mental aptitude or tolerance (usu. foll. by for: a good head for business; no head for heights).
  3. colloq. a headache, esp. resulting from a blow or from intoxication.
  4. a thing like a head in form or position, esp.: a the operative part of a tool. b the flattened top of a nail. c the ornamented top of a pillar. d a mass of leaves or flowers at the top of a stem. e the flat end of a drum. f the foam on top of a glass of beer etc. g the upper horizontal part of a window frame, door frame, etc.
  5. life when regarded as vulnerable (it cost him his head).
  6. a a person in charge; a director or leader (esp. the principal teacher at a school or college). b a position of leadership or command.
  7. the front or forward part of something, e.g. a queue.
  8. the upper end of something, e.g. a table or bed.
  9. the top or highest part of something, e.g. a page, stairs, etc.
  10. a person or individual regarded as a numerical unit ({pound}10 per head).
  11. (pl. same) a an individual animal as a unit. b (as pl.) a number of cattle or game as specified (20 head).
  12. a the side of a coin bearing the image of a head. b (usu. in pl.) this side as a choice when tossing a coin.
  13. a the source of a river or stream etc. b the end of a lake at which a river enters it.
  14. the height or length of a head as a measure.
  15. the component of a machine that is in contact with or very close to what is being processed or worked on, esp.: a the component on a tape recorder that touches the moving tape in play and converts the signals. b the part of a record-player that holds the playing cartridge and stylus. c = PRINTHEAD.
  16. a a confined body of water or steam in an engine etc. b the pressure exerted by this.
  17. a promontory (esp. in place-names) (Beachy Head).
  18. Naut. a the bows of a ship. b (often in pl.) a ship's latrine.
  19. a main topic or category for consideration or discussion.
  20. Journalism = HEADLINE n.
  21. a culmination, climax, or crisis.
  22. the fully developed top of a boil etc.
  23. sl. a habitual taker of drugs; a drug addict.
--attribadj. chief or principal (head gardener; head office).
  1. tr. be at the head or front of.
  2. tr. be in charge of (headed a small team).
  3. tr. a provide with a head or heading. b (of an inscription, title, etc.) be at the top of, serve as a heading for.
  4. a intr. face or move in a specified direction or towards a specified result (often foll. by for: is heading for trouble). b tr. direct in a specified direction.
  5. tr. Football strike (the ball) with the head.
  6. a tr. (often foll. by down) cut the head off (a plant etc.). b intr. (of a plant etc.) form a head.
Phrases and idioms
above (or over) one's head beyond one's ability to understand. come to a head reach a crisis. enter (or come into) one's head colloq. occur to one. from head to toe (or foot) all over a person's body. get one's head down sl.
  1. go to bed.
  2. concentrate on the task in hand. give a person his or her head allow a person to act freely. go out of one's head go mad.
go to one's head
  1. (of liquor) make one dizzy or slightly drunk.
  2. (of success) make one conceited. head and shoulders colloq. by a considerable amount.
head back
  1. get ahead of so as to intercept and turn back.
  2. return home etc.
head-banger sl.
  1. a young person shaking violently to the rhythm of pop music.
  2. a crazy or eccentric person. head-butt n. a forceful thrust with the top of the head into the chin or body of another person.
--vtr. attack (another person) with a head-butt. head-dress an ornamental covering or band for the head. head first
  1. with the head foremost.
  2. precipitately. head in the sand refusal to acknowledge an obvious danger or difficulty.
head off
  1. get ahead of so as to intercept and turn aside.
  2. forestall. a head of hair the hair on a person's head, esp. as a distinctive feature.
  1. with the front foremost (a head-on crash).
  2. in direct confrontation.
head over heels
  1. turning over completely in forward motion as in a somersault etc.
  2. topsy-turvy.
  3. utterly, completely (head over heels in love). head-shrinker sl. a psychiatrist. head start an advantage granted or gained at an early stage. heads will roll colloq. people will be disgraced or dismissed. head-up (of instrument readings in an aircraft, vehicle, etc.) shown so as to be visible without lowering the eyes. head-voice the high register of the voice in speaking or singing. head wind a wind blowing from directly in front. hold up one's head be confident or unashamed.
in one's head
  1. in one's thoughts or imagination.
  2. by mental process without use of physical aids. keep one's head remain calm.
keep one's head above water colloq.
  1. keep out of debt.
  2. avoid succumbing to difficulties. keep one's head down colloq. remain inconspicuous in difficult or dangerous times. lose one's head lose self-control; panic. make head or tail of (usu. with neg. or interrog.) understand at all. off one's head sl. crazy. off the top of one's head colloq. impromptu; without careful thought or investigation. on one's (or one's own) head as one's sole responsibility.
out of one's head
  1. sl. crazy.
  2. from one's imagination or memory.
over one's head
  1. beyond one's ability to understand.
  2. without one's knowledge or involvement, esp. when one has a right to this.
  3. with disregard for one's own (stronger) claim (was promoted over their heads). put heads together consult together. put into a person's head suggest to a person. take (or get) it into one's head (foll. by that + clause or to + infin.) form a definite idea or plan. turn a person's head make a person conceited. with one's head in the clouds see CLOUD.
headed adj. (also in comb.). headless adj. headward adj. & adv.
Etymology: OE heafod f. Gmc




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