

单词 discharge
释义 discharge
v. & n.
  1. tr. a let go, release, esp. from a duty, commitment, or period of confinement. b relieve (a bankrupt) of residual liability.
  2. tr. dismiss from office, employment, army commission, etc.
  3. tr. a fire (a gun etc.). b (of a gun etc.) fire (a bullet etc.).
  4. a tr. (also absol.) pour out or cause to pour out (pus, liquid, etc.) (the wound was discharging). b tr. throw; eject (discharged a stone at the cat). c tr. utter (abuse etc.). d intr. (foll. by into) (of a river etc.) flow into (esp. the sea).
  5. tr. a carry out, perform (a duty or obligation). b relieve oneself of (a financial commitment) (discharged his debt).
  6. tr. Law cancel (an order of court).
  7. tr. Physics release an electrical charge from.
  8. tr. a relieve (a ship etc.) of its cargo. b unload (a cargo) from a ship.
  1. the act or an instance of discharging; the process of being discharged.
  2. a dismissal, esp. from the armed services.
  3. a a release, exemption, acquittal, etc. b a written certificate of release etc.
  4. an act of firing a gun etc.
  5. a an emission (of pus, liquid, etc.). b the liquid or matter so discharged.
  6. (usu. foll. by of) a the payment (of a debt). b the performance (of a duty etc.).
  7. Physics a the release of a quantity of electric charge from an object. b a flow of electricity through the air or other gas esp. when accompanied by the emission of light. c the conversion of chemical energy in a cell into electrical energy.
  8. the unloading (of a ship or a cargo).
dischargeable adj. discharger n. (in sense 7 of v.).
Etymology: ME f. OF descharger (as DIS-, CHARGE)




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