

单词 sink
释义 sink
v. & n.
--v (past sank or sunk; past part. sunk or sunken)
  1. intr. fall or come slowly downwards.
  2. intr. disappear below the horizon (the sun is sinking).
  3. intr. a go or penetrate below the surface esp. of a liquid. b (of a ship) go to the bottom of the sea etc.
  4. intr. settle down comfortably (sank into a chair).
  5. intr. a gradually lose strength or value or quality etc.; decline (my heart sank). b (of the voice) descend in pitch or volume. c (of a sick person) approach death.
  6. tr. send (a ship) to the bottom of the sea etc.
  7. tr. cause or allow to sink or penetrate (sank its teeth into my leg).
  8. tr. cause the failure of (a plan etc.) or the discomfiture of (a person).
  9. tr. dig (a well) or bore (a shaft).
  10. tr. engrave (a die) or inlay (a design).
  11. tr. a invest (money) (sunk a large sum into the business). b lose (money) by investment.
  12. tr. a cause (a ball) to enter a pocket in billiards, a hole at golf, etc. b achieve this by (a stroke).
  13. tr. overlook or forget; keep in the background (sank their differences).
  14. intr. (of a price etc.) become lower.
  15. intr. (of a storm or river) subside.
  16. intr. (of ground) slope down, or reach a lower level by subsidence.
  17. intr. (foll. by on, upon) (of darkness) descend (on a place).
  18. tr. lower the level of.
  19. tr. (usu. in passive; foll. by in) absorb; hold the attention of (be sunk in thought).
  1. a fixed basin with a water-supply and outflow pipe.
  2. a place where foul liquid collects.
  3. a place of vice or corruption.
  4. a pool or marsh in which a river's water disappears by evaporation or percolation.
  5. Physics a body or process used to absorb or dissipate heat.
  6. (in full sink-hole) Geol. a cavity in limestone etc. into which a stream etc. disappears.
Phrases and idioms
sink in
  1. penetrate or make its way in.
  2. become gradually comprehended (paused to let the words sink in). sinking feeling a bodily sensation caused by hunger or apprehension. sinking fund money set aside for the gradual repayment of a debt. sink or swim even at the risk of complete failure (determined to try, sink or swim). sunk fence a fence formed by, or along the bottom of, a ditch.
sinkable adj. sinkage n.
Etymology: OE sincan f. Gmc




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