

单词 diet
释义 diet
n. & v.
  1. the kinds of food that a person or animal habitually eats.
  2. a special course of food to which a person is restricted, esp. for medical reasons or to control weight.
  3. a regular occupation or series of activities to which one is restricted or which form one's main concern, usu. for a purpose (a diet of light reading and fresh air).
--v (dieted, dieting)
  1. intr. restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food, esp. to control one's weight.
  2. tr. restrict (a person or animal) to a special diet.
dieter n.
Etymology: ME f. OF diete (n.), dieter (v.) f. L diaeta f. Gk diaita a way of life
  1. a legislative assembly in certain countries.
  2. hist. a national or international conference, esp. of a federal State or confederation.
  3. Sc. Law a meeting or session of a court.
Etymology: ME f. med.L dieta day's work, wages, etc.




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