

单词 profound
释义 profound
adj. & n.
--adj (profounder, profoundest)
  1. a having or showing great knowledge or insight (a profound treatise). b demanding deep study or thought (profound doctrines).
  2. (of a state or quality) deep, intense, unqualified (a profound sleep; profound indifference).
  3. at or extending to a great depth (profound crevasses).
  4. (of a sigh) deep-drawn.
  5. (of a disease) deep-seated.
--n (prec. by the) poet. the vast depth (of the ocean, soul, etc.).
profoundly adv. profoundness n. profundity n. (pl. -ies).
Etymology: ME f. AF & OF profund, profond f. L profundus deep (as PRO-(1), fundus bottom)




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