

单词 retire
释义 retire
  1. a intr. leave office or employment, esp. because of age (retire from the army; retire on a pension). b tr. cause (a person) to retire from work.
  2. intr. withdraw; go away; retreat.
  3. intr. seek seclusion or shelter.
  4. intr. go to bed.
  5. tr. withdraw (troops).
  6. intr. & tr. Cricket (of a batsman) voluntarily end or be compelled to suspend one's innings (retired hurt).
  7. tr. Econ. withdraw (a bill or note) from circulation or currency.
Phrases and idioms
retire from the world become a recluse. retire into oneself become uncommunicative or unsociable. retiring age the age at which most people normally retire from work.
retirer n.
Etymology: F retirer (as RE-, tirer draw)




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