

单词 bust
释义 bust
  1. a the human chest, esp. that of a woman; the bosom. b the circumference of the body at bust level (a 36-inch bust).
  2. a sculpture of a person's head, shoulders, and chest.
Etymology: F buste f. It. busto, of unkn. orig.
v., n., & adj.
--v (past and past part. busted or bust) colloq.
  1. tr. & intr. burst, break.
  2. tr. esp. US reduce (a soldier etc.) to a lower rank; dismiss.
  3. tr. esp. US a raid, search. b arrest.
  1. a sudden failure; a bankruptcy.
  2. a police raid.
  3. a drinking-bout.
  4. esp. US a punch; a hit.
  5. a worthless thing.
  6. a bad hand at cards.
--adj (also busted)
  1. broken, burst, collapsed.
  2. bankrupt.
Phrases and idioms
bust up 1 bring or come to collapse; explode.
  2. (of esp. a married couple) separate.
bust-up n.
  1. a quarrel.
  2. a collapse; an explosion. go bust become bankrupt; fail.
Etymology: orig. a (dial.) pronunc. of BURST




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