

单词 well
释义 well
adv., adj., & int.
--adv (better, best)
  1. in a satisfactory way (you have worked well).
  2. in the right way (well said; you did well to tell me).
  3. with some talent or distinction (plays the piano well).
  4. in a kind way (treated me well).
  5. thoroughly, carefully (polish it well).
  6. with heartiness or approval; favourably (speak well of; the book was well reviewed).
  7. probably, reasonably, advisably (you may well be right; you may well ask; we might well take the risk).
  8. to a considerable extent (is well over forty).
  9. successfully, fortunately (it turned out well).
  10. luckily, opportunely (well met!).
  11. with a fortunate outcome; without disaster (were well rid of them).
  12. profitably (did well for themselves).
  13. comfortably, abundantly, liberally (we live well here; the job pays well).
--adj (better, best)
  1. (usu. predic.) in good health (are you well?; was not a well person).
  2. (predic.) a in a satisfactory state or position (all is well). b advisable (it would be well to enquire).
--int expressing surprise, resignation, insistence, etc., or resumption or continuation of talk, used esp. after a pause in speaking (well I never!; well, I suppose so; well, who was it?).
Phrases and idioms
as well
  1. in addition; to an equal extent.
  2. (also just as well) with equal reason; with no loss of advantage or need for regret (may as well give up; it would be just as well to stop now). as well as in addition to. leave (or let) well alone avoid needless change or disturbance. well-acquainted (usu. foll. by with) familiar. well-adjusted 1 in a good state of adjustment.
  2. Psychol. mentally and emotionally stable. well-advised (usu. foll. by to + infin.) (of a person) prudent (would be well-advised to wait). well-affected (often foll. by to, towards) favourably disposed. well and good expressing dispassionate acceptance of a decision etc. well and truly decisively, completely. well-appointed having all the necessary equipment. well aware certainly aware (well aware of the danger).
well away
  1. having made considerable progress.
  2. colloq. fast asleep or drunk.
  1. sane, sensible.
  2. equally matched. well-behaved see BEHAVE. well-being a state of being well, healthy, contented, etc. well-beloved adj. dearly loved.
--n (pl. same) a dearly loved person. well-born of noble family. well-bred having or showing good breeding or manners. well-built
  1. of good construction.
  2. (of a person) big and strong and well-proportioned. well-chosen (of words etc.) carefully selected for effect. well-conditioned in good physical or moral condition. well-conducted (of a meeting etc.) properly organized and controlled. well-connected see CONNECTED. well-covered colloq. plump, corpulent. well-defined clearly indicated or determined. well-deserved rightfully merited or earned. well-disposed (often foll. by towards) having a good disposition or friendly feeling (for).
well done
  1. (of meat etc.) thoroughly cooked.
  2. (of a task etc.) performed well (also as int.). well-dressed fashionably smart. well-earned fully deserved.
  1. well provided with talent etc.
  2. colloq. sexually potent or attractive. well-favoured good-looking. well-fed having or having had plenty to eat. well-found = well-appointed. well-founded (of suspicions etc.) based on good evidence; having a foundation in fact or reason. well-groomed (of a person) with carefully tended hair, clothes, etc.
  1. = well-founded.
  2. having a good training in or knowledge of the groundwork of a subject. well-heeled colloq. wealthy. well-hung colloq. (of a man) having large genitals. well-informed having much knowledge or information about a subject. well-intentioned having or showing good intentions. well-judged opportunely, skilfully, or discreetly done. well-kept kept in good order or condition. well-knit (esp. of a person) compact; not loose-jointed or sprawling. well-known 1 known to many.
  2. known thoroughly.
  1. strongly or skilfully manufactured.
  2. (of a person or animal) having a good build. well-mannered having good manners. well-marked distinct; easy to detect. well-matched see MATCH(1). well-meaning (or -meant) well-intentioned (but ineffective or unwise).
well off
  1. having plenty of money.
  2. in a fortunate situation or circumstances.
well-oiled colloq.
  1. drunk.
  2. (of a compliment etc.) easily expressed through habitual use. well-ordered arranged in an orderly manner.
  1. (of a job) that pays well.
  2. (of a person) amply rewarded for a job. well-pleased highly gratified or satisfied. well-preserved see PRESERVE. well-read knowledgeable through much reading. well-received welcomed; favourably received. well-rounded 1 complete and symmetrical.
  2. (of a phrase etc.) complete and well expressed.
  3. (of a person) having or showing a fully developed personality, ability, etc. well-spent (esp. of money or time) used profitably. well-spoken articulate or refined in speech. well-thought-of having a good reputation; esteemed, respected. well-thought-out carefully devised. well-thumbed bearing marks of frequent handling. well-timed opportune, timely. well-to-do prosperous. well-tried often tested with good results. well-trodden much frequented.
  1. (of a compliment, phrase, or verse) elegantly expressed.
  2. (of a leg, ankle, etc.) elegantly shaped or displayed. well-upholstered see UPHOLSTER. well-wisher a person who wishes one well. well-woman a woman who has undergone satisfactory gynaecological tests (often attrib.: well-woman clinic).
  1. much worn by use.
  2. (of a phrase etc.) trite, hackneyed. well worth certainly worth (well worth a visit; well worth visiting).
A hyphen is normally used in combinations of well- when used attributively, but not when used predicatively, e.g. a well-made coat but the coat is well made.
wellness n.
Etymology: OE wel, well prob. f. the same stem as WILL(1)
n. & v.
  1. a shaft sunk into the ground to obtain water, oil, etc.
  2. an enclosed space like a well-shaft, e.g. in the middle of a building for stairs or a lift, or for light or ventilation.
  3. (foll. by of) a source, esp. a copious one (a well of information).
  4. a a mineral spring. b (in pl.) a spa.
  5. = ink-well.
  6. archaic a water-spring or fountain.
  7. Brit. a railed space for solicitors etc. in a lawcourt.
  8. a depression for gravy etc. in a dish or tray, or for a mat in the floor.
  9. Physics a region of minimum potential etc.
--vintr. (foll. by out, up) spring as from a fountain; flow copiously.
Phrases and idioms
well-head (or -spring) a source.
Etymology: OE wella (= OHG wella wave, ON vella boiling heat), wellan boil, melt f. Gmc




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