

单词 must
释义 must
v. & n.
--vaux. (3rd sing. present must; past had to or in indirect speech must) (foll. by infin., or absol.)
  1. a be obliged to (you must go to school; must we leave now?; said he must go; I must away).
The negative (i.e. lack of obligation) is expressed by not have to or need not; must not denotes positive forbidding, as in you must not smoke. b in ironic questions (must you slam the door?).
  2. be certain to (we must win in the end; you must be her sister; he must be mad; they must have left by now; seemed as if the roof must blow off).
  3. ought to (we must see what can be done; it must be said that).
  4. expressing insistence (I must ask you to leave).
  5. (foll. by not + infin.) a not be permitted to, be forbidden to (you must not smoke). b ought not; need not (you mustn't think he's angry; you must not worry). c expressing insistence that something should not be done (they must not be told).
  6. (as past or historic present) expressing the perversity of destiny (what must I do but break my leg).
--n colloq. a thing that cannot or should not be overlooked or missed (if you go to London St Paul's is a must).
Phrases and idioms
I must say often iron. I cannot refrain from saying (I must say he made a good attempt; a fine way to behave, I must say). must needs see NEEDS.
Etymology: OE moste past of mot may
n. grape-juice before fermentation is complete.
Etymology: OE f. L mustum neut. of mustus new
n. mustiness, mould.
Etymology: back-form. f. MUSTY
adj. & n. (also musth)
--adj (of a male elephant or camel) in a state of frenzy.
--n this state.
Etymology: Urdu f. Pers. mast intoxicated




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