

单词 warm
释义 warm
adj., v., & n.
  1. of or at a fairly or comfortably high temperature.
  2. (of clothes etc.) affording warmth (needs warm gloves).
  3. a (of a person, action, feelings, etc.) sympathetic; cordial; friendly; loving (a warm welcome; has a warm heart). b enthusiastic; hearty (was warm in her praise).
  4. animated, heated, excited; indignant (the dispute grew warm).
  5. colloq. iron. dangerous, difficult, or hostile (met a warm reception).
  6. colloq. a (of a participant in esp. a children's game of seeking) close to the object etc. sought. b near to guessing or finding out a secret.
  7. (of a colour, light, etc.) reddish, pink, or yellowish, etc., suggestive of warmth.
  8. Hunting (of a scent) fresh and strong.
  9. a (of a person's temperament) amorous; sexually demanding. b erotic; arousing.
  1. tr. a make warm (fire warms the room). b excite; make cheerful (warms the heart).
  2. intr. a (often foll. by up) warm oneself at a fire etc. (warmed himself up). b (often foll. by to) become animated, enthusiastic, or sympathetic (warmed to his subject).
  1. the act of warming; the state of being warmed (gave it a warm; had a nice warm by the fire).
  2. the warmth of the atmosphere etc.
  3. Brit. archaic a warm garment, esp. an army greatcoat.
Phrases and idioms
warmed-up (US -over)
  1. (of food etc.) reheated or stale.
  2. stale; second-hand. warm front an advancing mass of warm air. warming-pan hist. a usu. brass container for live coals with a flat body and a long handle, used for warming a bed.
warm up
  1. (of an athlete, performer, etc.) prepare for a contest, performance, etc. by practising.
  2. (of a room etc.) become warmer.
  3. (of a person) become enthusiastic etc.
  4. (of a radio, engine, etc.) reach a temperature for efficient working.
  5. reheat (food). warm-up n. a period of preparatory exercise for a contest or performance.
warm work
  1. work etc. that makes one warm through exertion.
  2. dangerous conflict etc.
warmer n. (also in comb.). warmish adj. warmly adv. warmness n. warmth n.
Etymology: OE wearm f. Gmc




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