

单词 before one's time

time /tīm/

  1. A concept arising from change experienced and observed, expressed by past, present and future, and often measured by the amount of turning of the earth on its axis
  2. A quantity measured by the angle through which the earth turns on its axis
  3. (with cap) any of the clock-settings used as standard times in the various time zones, as in Pacific Time, Central European Time, etc
  4. A moment at which, or stretch of existence during which, things happen
  5. Season
  6. The due, appointed, suitable or usual occasion of occurrence
  7. The hour of death or of birth or coming into existence
  8. A spell, interval, period
  9. The actual occasion or period of being something or somewhere, eg apprenticeship, residence, prison sentence, student days, life, etc
  10. (a given period in) the existence of the world
  11. Leisure or opportunity long enough for a purpose
  12. A spell of exciting, usu pleasurable, experience
  13. The duration, or shortest duration, of performance, as in a race
  14. Rhythm, tempo (music)
  15. The duration of a note (music)
  16. Rate of speed
  17. A unit of duration in metre, a mora (prosody)
  18. An occasion
  19. An occasion regarded as one of a recurring series
  20. One of a number of multiplied instances
  21. Generalized as an indication of multiplication (eg 3 times = multiplied by 3)
  22. (the rate of) payment for work by the hour, day, etc
  23. Back pay (also back time)
  24. A reckoning of time
  25. An interval
  26. Past existence
  27. An allotted period, esp its completion, as in boxing rounds, permitted drinking hours, etc
  28. The call, bell, whistle, buzzer or other signal announcing this
  29. (in pl) the contemporary, obtaining conditions
  30. (in pl; with cap) often the name of a newspaper
  31. (with cap) a personification of time, a bald-headed old man with a forelock, a beard, a scythe, and often an hourglass
transitive verb
  1. To arrange, fix or choose a time for
  2. To mark, measure, adjust or observe the rhythm or time of
  3. To ascertain the time taken by
  4. To regulate the time of
intransitive verb

To keep or beat time

  1. Of or relating to time
  2. Reckoned by time
  3. Timed
  4. Of or for a future time

Indicating that time is up, or that action is now forbidden or permitted

ORIGIN: OE tīma; ON tīmī

timed adjective

timeˈless adjective

  1. Independent of time
  2. Unconnected with the passage of time
  3. Eternal, unaffected by time
  4. Untimely (archaic)
  5. Premature (Shakespeare)
  6. Ill-timed
  7. Failing to keep time or rhythm

timeˈlessly adverb

timeˈlessness noun

timeˈliness noun

timeˈly adjective (timeˈlier; timeˈliest)

  1. Coming or occurring at a suitable or the correct time
  2. Well-timed
  3. In good time, early
  4. Seasonable
  5. Temporal (obsolete)
  6. Of the time of day (Spenser)
  7. In time, keeping time (Spenser)
adverb (archaic)
  1. Early, soon
  2. In due time or in good time

timeous or timous /tīˈməs/ adjective (chiefly Scot)

  1. In good time
  2. Seasonable

timeˈously or tiˈmously adverb

In good time

tīˈmer noun

  1. A person or thing that times anything
  2. A clocklike device which sets something off or switches something on or off at a preset time
  3. (in combination) signifying a person who belongs to, works for, etc, a specified time

tiˈming noun

  1. Fixing, choosing, adjusting, ascertaining, or recording of times
  2. (the co-ordination of) departure and arrival times
  3. Co-ordination in time
  4. (in an internal-combustion engine) the regulation of the valve-operating mechanism so that the valves open and close in correct relation to the crank

tiˈmist noun

  1. A timeserver (obsolete)
  2. A person who keeps in time
  3. A person who times his or her movements

time-and-motion study noun

An investigation of the motions performed and time taken in industrial, etc, work with a view to increased proficiency and thus production

time ball noun

A ball mounted on a vertical pole, eg on top of a high building, that drops at a regular point in each day as an indication of mean time

time bargain noun

A contract to buy or sell at a certain time in the future

timeˈ-barred adjective

Disallowed because out of legal time limits

time-beguilˈing adjective

Making time seem to pass quickly

time-bettˈering adjective (Shakespeare)

In which times are growing better

time-bewastˈed adjective (Shakespeare)

Spent by time

time bill noun

A timetable

time bomb noun

  1. A bomb that is exploded by a time-fuse
  2. A routine actuated at a particular time or date which destroys data held in a computer program

time capsule noun

A capsule containing objects, etc, representative of the current time, buried in the ground or set in the foundations of a building for discovery at a future date

timeˈcard noun

A card for use with a time clock

time charter noun

A hire agreement valid for a specified period of time

time clock noun

A clocklike apparatus that stamps on cards the time of arrival and departure of eg office or factory workers

time code noun

A track separate from the main one on a video or audio tape, on which time is recorded digitally, to help editing

time constant noun (elec eng)

The time required by the output of a measuring system to change by 63% when a step change in the detected signal occurs

timeˈ-consumˈing adjective

  1. Requiring much, or too much time
  2. Wasting time

time deposit noun

A bank deposit from which withdrawals may be made only after a certain time or with due notice

time dilation noun (physics)

The principle, a consequence of the special theory of relativity, that the time interval between two events appears to be larger when they occur in a reference frame which is moving relative to the observer's reference frame than when they occur at rest relative to the observer

time division multiplex noun (telecommunications)

A form of multiplex (qv) in which each signal is sent as a series of pulses, the gaps between which allow other pulses to be interleaved

timeˈ-expired adjective

Having completed a term of enlistment

time exposure noun (photography)

An exposure for a relatively long time (usu seconds) in comparison with one called instantaneous

timeˈframe noun

A limited or restricted period of time, eg as allotted for an event

time fuse noun

A fuse preset to act at a definite time

time gun noun

A gun fired to indicate a certain hour

timeˈ-honoured adjective

(of a custom) honoured or respected on account of antiquity

time immemorial noun

  1. The distant past no longer remembered
  2. Time before legal memory, fixed by statute as before 1189 (law)

timeˈkeeper noun

  1. A clock, watch or other instrument that measures time
  2. A person who keeps account of workers' hours
  3. An employee thought of in terms of his or her punctuality
  4. A person who beats or observes time

timeˈkeeping noun

timeˈ-killer noun

A person or thing that kills time (see kill1)

timeˈ-killing noun and adjective

time lag noun

The interval of delay between two connected events or phenomena

timeˈ-lapse adjective

Of or relating to time-lapse photography, a method of recording and condensing long or slow processes by taking a large number of photographs at regular intervals, the film made from these being projected at normal speed

time limit noun

A time within which something has to be done

timeˈline noun

  1. A period of time regarded or represented in a linear way
  2. A deadline

time loan noun

A loan repayable by a specified date

timely-partˈed adjective (Shakespeare)

Having died at a natural time

time machine noun

A hypothetical machine by which one may travel to the future or past, through time

time out noun

  1. A short break during a sporting contest for rest, discussion of tactics, substitution of a player, etc
  2. Any similar short suspension of activity
  3. A cancellation action or automatic logoff that takes place if the user does not input data or a command within a given time, or if a computer fails to make contact with a peripheral device (eg a printer) within a given time (computing)

timeˈpass noun and adjective (Ind)

(something) done to pass spare time or relieve boredom

timeˈpiece noun

A piece of machinery for keeping time, esp one that does not strike but is bigger than a watch

timeˈ-pleaser noun (Shakespeare)

A timeserver

time-poor adjective

Short of time

timeˈ-release or timedˈ-release adjective


timeˈ-saving noun and adjective

timeˈscale noun

  1. The time envisaged for the carrying out of (the stages of) a project
  2. A statement of the times of occurrence, completion, etc of a series of processes, stages, etc

time series noun (statistics)

A set of observations taken sequentially over time

timeˈ-served adjective

(of a craftsman) having completed his or her apprenticeship, fully trained

timeˈserver noun

A person who cynically or servilely suits his or her opinions to the times or those in authority for the time

timeˈ-service noun

timeˈ-serving noun and adjective

timeˈshare noun

  1. The time-sharing of property, etc
  2. Such a property


(of a property) owned on the basis of time-sharing

timeˈ-sharer noun

timeˈ-sharing noun

  1. A scheme by which a person buys the right to use a holiday home for the same specified period of time each year for a specified number of years
  2. A means of providing multi-access to a computer with each user in turn allowed a time slice of the central processor

time sheet noun

A record of the time worked by a person

time signal noun

An indication of the exact time given by radio or otherwise from an observatory

time signature noun (music)

An indication of rhythm (in the form of two figures placed one over the other, the top one representing the number of beats to the bar, and the bottom, the length of the beat) at the beginning of a line or wherever there is a change

time slice noun (computing)

A predetermined maximum length of time during which each program is allowed to run

time slot noun

  1. A particular period of time in the day or week allocated to a certain radio or television programme
  2. A particular period assigned to a certain purpose, etc

time spirit noun

The genius of the age

timeˈstamp noun

A record of the time of an event or transaction, automatically created by and stored on a computer

transitive verb

(of a computer) to add a record of the time of an event or transaction to (data)

time switch noun

One working automatically at a set time

timeˈtable noun

A table of times, eg of classes, events, trains, etc

transitive verb

  1. To insert into a timetable
  2. To plan, divide into sessions, etc, according to a timetable

timeˈ-thrust noun (fencing; obsolete)

A stop hit (qv)

time trial noun

An event, esp in cycling, in which competitors set off one at a time, and attempt to cover a set distance in the shortest time

timeˈ-trialling noun

time unit noun

time warp noun

(in science fiction, etc) a hypothetical distortion in the time continuum, allowing one to pass from the present to the past or future, or to stand still in the present

timeˈ-work noun

Work paid for by the hour or the day, opp to piecework

timeˈ-worker noun

timeˈ-worn adjective

Worn or decayed by time

time zone noun

  1. One of 24 longitudinal divisions of the globe, each 15º wide, having a standard time throughout its area
  2. A similar zone adapted to a particular country

about time

None too soon

against time

With the aim or necessity of finishing by a certain time

ahead of one's time

Having ideas, etc too advanced or progressive to be acceptable at the time

ahead of time

Earlier than expected

all in good time

  1. In due course
  2. Soon enough

all the time

Continuously, constantly

apparent time

Time according to the real sun, ie sundial time without regard to the equation of time

astronomical time

A form of mean solar time (qv below), using a twenty-four-hour day beginning at mean noon (in general use for nautical almanacs before 1925)

at one time

  1. Formerly
  2. Simultaneously

at the same time

  1. Simultaneously
  2. Notwithstanding

at the time

At the time stated or under consideration

at times

  1. At distant intervals
  2. Occasionally

before one's time

Ahead of one's time (see above)

behind the times

Not abreast of changes

behind time


between times

In the intervals

by times


common time (music)

Time with two beats or a multiple of two beats to a bar or other measure (compound common time where each beat is of three quavers or crotchets)

do time (slang)

To serve a sentence of imprisonment

for a time

  1. For a while
  2. Temporarily

for the time being

At the present time or the actual time in question

from time to time

Now and then

gain time

To provide oneself with more time to do something (eg by delaying something else)

half the time (informal)

As often as not, frequently

have a good time

To enjoy oneself

have a time of it (informal)

To experience problems, difficulties, etc

have little (or no) time for

To have little (or no) interest in or patience with

in good time

  1. Quite early enough
  2. With some time to spare
  3. Indeed (ironic; obsolete)

in one's own (or own good) time

At a time, rate, etc of one's own choosing

in one's own time

In one's spare time, when not at work

in one's time

At some past time in one's life, esp when one was at one's peak

in the nick of time see under nick1

in time

  1. After a lapse of time
  2. Early enough
  3. Eventually
  4. Keeping rhythm

keep time

  1. To run accurately, like a clock (also keep good time)
  2. To move or perform in the same rhythm
  3. To record times of workers, etc

know the time of day

  1. To know the state of affairs, what is going on
  2. To know what one is about, or the best way of doing something

local time

Time reckoned from the local meridian

lose time

  1. (of eg a clock) to run down
  2. To fall behindhand
  3. To let time pass without full advantage

make good time

To make speedy progress on a journey

make time

  1. To regain lost time
  2. To find an opportunity

mark time see under mark1

mean solar time

Time reckoned not by the actual but by the mean position of the sun

not before time

  1. Rather tardily
  2. None too soon
  3. About time too!

no time or no time at all

A very short time

on (or upon) a time

  1. Once
  2. At a time in the past (usu imaginary)

on time

  1. Punctual, in accordance with time limits
  2. Punctually

out of time

  1. Not keeping rhythm
  2. Too late (law)

pass the time of day

To chat unhurriedly and casually

sidereal time

The portion of a sidereal day that has elapsed since the transit of the first point of Aries

solar time

Time reckoned by the sun, real or mean

standard time

A system of time adopted for a wide area instead of local time, usu Greenwich Mean Time or a time differing from it by a whole number of hours

summer time see under summer1

take one's time (informal)

Not to hurry, to dawdle

take Time by the forelock

To seize an opportunity before it is too late

take time off (or US out)

To find time to do something, or time for an activity

the time of one's life

A very enjoyable time

time about (chiefly Scot)

In turns, alternately

time after time


time and again


time and a half

A rate of pay equivalent to one and a half times the usual rate, offered eg for overtime

time of day

  1. The time by the clock
  2. The point of time reached
  3. A greeting, salutation

time out (computing)

(of a computer) to enter an automatic logoff command (eg from a printer) if data or a command is not input within a given time

time out of mind

During the whole time within human memory, from time immemorial

time was

There once was a time (when)

time-zone disease or fatigue

Jet lag

triple time (music)

Three beats, or three times three beats, to a bar or other measure

up to time

  1. Punctual, punctually
  2. Not later than the due time

what time (poetic)






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