

单词 quarter-plate

plate /plāt/

  1. A shallow dish of any of various sizes according to purpose, eg dessert plate, dinner plate, side plate
  2. A plateful
  3. A portion served on a plate
  4. A sheet, slab, or lamina of metal or other hard material, usu flat or flattish
  5. Metal in the form of sheets
  6. A broad piece of armour
  7. A scute or separate portion of an animal's shell
  8. A broad thin piece of a structure or mechanism
  9. A plate-like section of the earth's crust, involved in plate tectonics (see below)
  10. A piece of metal, wood, etc, bearing or to bear an inscription to be affixed to anything
  11. An engraved piece of metal for printing from
  12. An impression printed from it, an engraving
  13. An illustration in a book, esp a whole-page one separately printed and inserted
  14. A mould from type, etc, for printing from, as an electrotype or stereotype
  15. Part of a denture fitting the mouth and carrying the teeth
  16. The whole denture
  17. A device worn in the mouth by some children in order to straighten the teeth
  18. A film-coated sheet of glass or other material to photograph on
  19. A plate rail (see below)
  20. A horizontal supporting timber in building
  21. A five-sided white slab at the home base (baseball)
  22. A light racing horseshoe
  23. A thermionic valve anode (orig flat)
  24. Precious metal, esp silver (historical; Sp plata silver)
  25. A silver coin (Shakespeare)
  26. Wrought gold or silver
  27. Household utensils in gold or silver
  28. Table utensils generally
  29. Plated ware such as Sheffield plate, a silver-plated copper ware
  30. A cup or other prize for a race or other contest
  31. A race or contest for such a prize
  32. A church collection
  33. (in pl) the feet (slang; orig rhyming slang for plates of meat)
transitive verb
  1. To overlay with metal
  2. To armour with metal
  3. To cover with a thin film of another metal
  4. To put (food) onto a plate in preparation for eating
  5. To make a printing plate of
ORIGIN: OFr plate, fem (and for the dish plat, masc), flat, from Gr platys broad

plaˈted adjective

  1. Covered with plates of metal
  2. Covered with a coating of another metal, esp gold or silver
  3. Armoured with hard scales or bone (zoology)

plateˈful noun

As much as a plate will hold

plateˈlet noun

A minute particle in blood, concerned in clotting

plateˈ-like adjective

plāˈter noun

  1. A person who or something which plates
  2. A moderate horse entered for a minor, esp a selling, race

plāˈting noun

plāˈty adjective

  1. Plate-like
  2. Separating into plates

plate armour noun

Protective armour of metal plates

plateˈ-basket noun

A basket for forks, spoons, etc

plateˈ-fleet noun (historical)

Ships that carried American silver to Spain

plate glass noun

A fine kind of glass used for mirrors and shop-windows, orig poured in a molten state on an iron plate

plateˈ-glass adjective

  1. Made with or consisting of plate glass
  2. (of a building) having large plate-glass windows, appearing to be built entirely of plate glass
  3. (hence) used of any very modern building or institution, esp British universities founded in the mid-20c

plateˈlayer noun

A person who lays, fixes, and attends to the rails of a railway

plateˈ-leather noun

A chamois leather for rubbing gold and silver

plateˈmaker noun

A person or machine that makes printing plates

plateˈman noun

A man who has the care of silver plate in a hotel, club, etc

plateˈmark noun

A hallmark

plateˈ-powder noun

A polishing powder for silver

plateˈ-printˈing noun

The process of printing from engraved plates

plateˈ-proof noun

A proof taken from a plate

plate rack noun

A frame for holding plates, etc, when not in use or when draining after washing

plate rail noun

On early railways, a flat rail with an outer flange

plateˈ-room noun

A room where silver-plated goods or printing plates are kept

plateˈ-ship noun (historical)

A ship bringing silver to Spain from the Americas

plate tectonics singular noun (geology)

  1. The interacting movements of the rigid plates or sections that make up the earth's crust, floating on the semi-molten rock of the interior
  2. The science or study of these movements
  3. The study of the crust in terms of this theory

plateˈ-warmer noun

An apparatus for warming dinner plates or keeping them warm


(in photography) a size of plate measuring 43/4 by 61/2 inches (41/4 by 51/2 in the USA)

hand or give (someone something) on a plate (figurative)

To cause or allow (someone) to achieve or obtain (something) without the least effort

on one's plate (figurative)

In front of one, waiting to be dealt with


(in photography) a plate size 31/4 by 41/4 inches

step up to the plate

To accept a burden or responsibility


(in photography) a plate size 61/2 by 81/2 inches

quarter /kwörˈtər/

  1. A fourth part
  2. A 25-cent piece, 25 cents, quarter of a dollar (N American)
  3. The fourth part of an hour, of the year, of the moon's period (or the moon's position at the end of it), of the world, etc
  4. One of the four periods of play into which certain games are divided
  5. The fourth part of a cwt = 28 (or in US 25) lb avoirdupois
  6. 8 bushels (perh orig a fourth of a ton of corn)
  7. (also quarter-pound) a quarter of a pound, 4oz (informal)
  8. A cardinal point, or any point, of the compass
  9. The region about any point of the compass
  10. A region generally
  11. A town district inhabited by a particular class
  12. An unspecified person or group regarded as a source of information, support, etc
  13. A part of an army, camp, etc (Shakespeare)
  14. (usu in pl) lodging, esp for soldiers
  15. An assigned station or position
  16. Terms, relations, treatment, esp favourable (Shakespeare)
  17. Mercy granted to an antagonist (perh from sending to quarters)
  18. The part of a ship's side to the rear of its widest point
  19. A limb with adjacent parts of the trunk, esp (historical) of the dismembered body of an executed person, or of an animal carcass
  20. A haunch of a live animal
  21. Each of the two pieces on a boot or shoe from the centre of the heel to the vamp
  22. Each side of a horse's hoof
  23. One of the four parts of a quartered shield (heraldry)
  24. An ordinary occupying one-fourth of the field (heraldry)
  25. A quartering (heraldry)
transitive verb
  1. To divide into four equal or nearly equal parts
  2. To dismember (the body of a traitor, etc) (historical)
  3. To divide into parts or compartments
  4. To station, lodge or put in quarters
  5. To bear, place or divide quarterly (heraldry)
  6. (esp of dogs) to range for game, to search thoroughly
intransitive verb
  1. To be stationed
  2. To lodge
  3. (of a dog) to range for game
  4. To drive a carriage or cart with the wheels between the ruts, or the horse(s) astride a rut
  5. To drive to the side of the road, or from side to side
  6. (of the wind) to blow onto a ship's quarter
combining form
  1. (denoting adjectivally) one-fourth part (of)
  2. (denoting adverbially) to the extent of one-fourth
ORIGIN: OFr quarter, from L quārtārius a fourth part, from quārtus fourth

quarˈterage noun

  1. A quarterly payment
  2. Quarters, lodging

quarˈtered adjective

quarˈtering adjective

  1. (of a ship) sailing nearly before the wind
  2. (of a wind) striking on the quarter of a ship
  1. Assignment of quarters
  2. A series of small upright posts for forming partitions, lathed and plastered only, or boarded also (architecture)
  3. The division of a coat by horizontal and vertical lines (heraldry)
  4. One of the divisions so formed
  5. The marshalling of coats in these divisions, indicating family alliances
  6. Any one of the coats so marshalled

quarˈterly adjective

  1. Relating to a quarter, esp of a year
  2. Recurring, or published, once a quarter
  3. Divided into or marshalled in quarters (heraldry)
  1. Once a quarter
  2. In quarters or quarterings (heraldry)

A quarterly periodical

quartˈerback noun (American football)

The player between the linemen and the halfbacks, who directs the attacking play of the team

quarˈter-binding noun

A type of bookbinding in which the spine and a small part of the sides are covered with a different material than the rest of the book

quarˈter-blood noun

A person of one-quarter Native American descent

quarˈter-bound adjective

Bound using quarter-binding

quarˈter-boy or quarˈter-jack noun

An automaton that strikes the quarter-hours

quarˈter-bred adjective

(of horses, cattle, etc) having only one-fourth pure blood

quarter day noun

The day on each of the year's quarters on which rent or interest is due to be paid

quarˈterdeck noun

The part of the deck of a ship abaft the mainmast, used by cabin passengers and by superior officers (and saluted on warships)

quarˈterdecker noun (naval sl)

A stickler for naval etiquette

quarˈter-evil or quarter-ill noun

Black-quarter (qv)

quarˈter-fiˈnal noun

The round before the semi-final in a knockout competition

quarˈter-gallery noun

A projecting balcony on a ship's quarter

quarˈter-guard noun

A guard of a battalion in camp

quarˈter-gunner noun (US; historical)

A naval petty-officer, under the gunner, a gunner's mate

quarˈter-horse noun (US)

A horse that can run a quarter of a mile or so at great speed

quarter hour noun

  1. A period of fifteen minutes
  2. A point marking such a period on a clock, etc

quarter-hourˈly adverb

quarˈter-jack noun

  1. See quarter-boy above
  2. A quartermaster (slang)

quarˈterlight noun

A small triangular window in a car for ventilation

quarˈtermaster noun

  1. (also fem quarˈtermistress) an officer who is responsible for the accommodation, weapons and supplies of a group of soldiers
  2. A petty officer who attends to the helm, signals, etc (nautical)

quartermaster-genˈeral noun

A staff-officer who deals with transport, marches, quarters, fuel, clothing, etc

quartermaster-serˈgeant noun

A senior non-commissioned officer with administrative duties

quarter-milˈer noun

An athlete whose speciality is the 400 metres or quarter-mile race

quarter note noun

  1. A crotchet (N American)
  2. A quarter-tone

quarˈter-plate see under plate

quarter-poundˈer noun

A burger weighing a quarter of a pound

quarˈter-rail noun

A rail stretching from a ship's gangway to its stern

quarˈter-repeating adjective

(of a repeating watch or clock) that strikes the quarter hours

quarˈter-road noun

A road divided into four strips by ruts and horse-track

quarˈter-round noun

A moulding whose section is about a quadrant, an ovolo

quarˈter-saw transitive verb (pat and pap quarˈter-sawed or quarˈter-sawn)

To saw (timber) from quartered logs, so that the face of the planks is at an angle of at least 45º to the growth rings

quarˈter-seal noun

The seal kept by the director of the Chancery of Scotland, known also as ‘the testimonial of the Great Seal’

quarter section noun (N American)

An area of land half a mile square, 160 acres

quarˈter-sessions plural noun

A court formerly held quarterly by justices of the peace (superseded in England and Wales in 1972 by crown courts)

quarˈterstaff noun

  1. A long wooden pole with an iron tip, an old weapon of defence
  2. The use of this weapon

quarˈter-tone noun

Half a semitone

quarˈter-wind noun

A wind blowing on a ship's quarter

(a) quarter after or past

Fifteen minutes after (a specified hour)

(a) quarter to

Fifteen minutes before the hour

at close quarters

  1. In very near proximity
  2. Hand-to-hand

keep a quarter or a bad quarter (obsolete)

To make a disturbance

keep good quarter (Shakespeare)

To keep good watch or good order





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