

单词 pasted

past /päst/

  1. Bygone
  2. Elapsed
  3. Ended
  4. In time already passed
  5. Expressing action or being in time that has passed, preterite (grammar)
  6. Just before the present
  7. Past one's best
  8. Having served a term of office
  1. Time that has passed
  2. Things that have already happened
  3. (one's) early life or bygone career, esp if marked by tragedy or scandal
  4. The past tense
  5. A verb or verbal form in the past tense
  1. After
  2. After the time of
  3. Beyond, in place, position, etc
  4. Beyond the possibility of
  1. By
  2. Laid aside in store, for later use (Scot)
transitive verb and intransitive verb

An unusual pap of pass

ORIGIN: An old pap of pass

past master noun

  1. Someone who has held the office of master (eg among freemasons)
  2. Hence, someone thoroughly proficient (see also passed master under master)

past participle see under participle

I, etc would not put it past him, etc (informal)

I, etc regard him, etc as (esp morally) capable of (some action disapproved of)

past it (informal) or past one's best

Having decreased strength, ability, etc due to advancing age

past praying for

Beyond hope of redemption or recovery

paste /pāst/

  1. Any soft plastic mass
  2. Dough for piecrust, etc
  3. A doughy sweet
  4. A smooth preparation of food suitable for spreading on bread
  5. A glue whose main ingredients are flour and water
  6. Any of various adhesives, eg one for hanging wallpaper
  7. Material for making pottery
  8. The basis of a person's character (figurative)
  9. A fine kind of glass for making artificial gems

Of paste

transitive verb
  1. To fasten or cover with paste
  2. To insert text, etc copied or cut from somewhere else (computing)
  3. To thrash (informal)
  4. To defeat utterly (informal)
ORIGIN: OFr paste (Fr pâte), from LL pasta, from Gr pasta barley porridge (neuter pl of pastos sprinkled, salted), from passein to sprinkle

pāstˈer noun

  1. Someone who pastes
  2. A slip of gummed paper

pāstˈiness noun

pāstˈing noun (slang)

  1. A beating
  2. A thorough defeat

pāstˈy adjective

  1. Like paste in texture
  2. (of a complexion) pale and unhealthy-looking

pasteˈboard noun

  1. A stiff board made of sheets of paper pasted together
  2. A visiting card, playing card, or ticket (slang)


  1. Of pasteboard
  2. Sham
  3. Trumpery

pasteˈ-down noun

  1. The outer leaf of an endpaper that is pasted down on the inside cover of a book
  2. Formerly, a paper used to line the inside cover of a book

pasteˈ-eelˈ noun

A nematoid worm found in paste

pasteˈ-grain noun

An imitation of morocco leather, used in binding books and in making fancy goods

pasteˈ-up noun

  1. A draft of a printed page consisting of text, artwork, photographs, etc pasted onto a sheet, for photographing or as a plan for a printing plate
  2. A collage

pastˈy-facedˈ adjective

Having a pale and dull complexion





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