

单词 preludes

prelude /prelˈūd/

  1. An event that precedes and prepares the ground for one more momentous
  2. Anything done, said, performed, etc by way of an introduction or preliminary
  3. A preliminary strain, passage or flourish, often improvised (music)
  4. An introduction to or first movement of a suite, or a movement preceding a fugue (music)
  5. An overture (music)
  6. An introductory voluntary (music)
  7. A short independent composition with a recurring motif, esp for the piano
  8. A poetical composition of introductory nature or function
transitive verb /prelˈūd or esp formerly pri-lūdˈ or -loodˈ/
  1. To precede as a prelude, serve as prelude to
  2. To introduce with a prelude
  3. To perform as a prelude
intransitive verb
  1. To provide a prelude
  2. To perform a prelude
  3. To serve as a prelude
ORIGIN: Fr prélude, from LL praelūdium, from L lūdere to play

preludial and preludious /pri-looˈ or -lūˈ/ adjective (rare)

prelusive /-looˈsiv, lūˈ/ adjective

  1. Of the nature of a prelude
  2. Introductory

preluˈsively and preluˈsorily adverb

preluˈsory /-sə-ri/ adjective






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