

单词 leap year

leap1 /lēp/

intransitive verb (leapˈing; leaped /lēpt/ or leapt /lept/)
  1. To move with bounds
  2. To spring upward or forward
  3. To jump
  4. To rush violently
  5. To pass abruptly or over a wide interval
transitive verb
  1. To bound over
  2. To cause to take a leap
  3. Of male animals, to mate with, cover
  1. An act of leaping
  2. A bound
  3. The space passed or covered by leaping
  4. A place of leaping
  5. An abrupt transition
  6. A wide gap or interval
ORIGIN: OE hlēapan; cf lope1, loup1, and Ger laufen to run

leapˈer noun

  1. A steeplechaser
  2. Someone who or something that leaps

leap day noun

An intercalary day in the calendar (29 February)

leapˈfrog noun

  1. A game in which two people, esp children, take turns in vaulting each other, the one stooping or crouching to become the other's vaulting-horse
  2. Any similar vault or jump (also figurative)
  3. A method of advancing against an enemy force in which one part of an army engages with the enemy whilst the rear part advances (military)

transitive verb and intransitive verb (leapˈfrogging; leapˈfrogged)

  1. To jump (over) as in leapfrog (also figurative)
  2. To go in advance of each other alternately (military; also figurative)

leapˈing-house noun (Shakespeare)

A brothel

leapˈing-time noun (Shakespeare)

Active youth

leap second noun

A second added to or subtracted from one scale of time whenever necessary, to bring that scale into harmony with another scale or with the rotation of the earth

leap year noun

A year with an intercalary day (perh because any anniversary after that day misses or leaps over a day of the week)

by leaps and bounds

  1. By a large amount or extent
  2. Very quickly

leap in the dark

An act of which the consequences cannot be foreseen

year /yēr or yûr/

noun (pl years or, used adjectivally with a preceding numeral, year, eg a three-year period)
  1. The time taken by the earth to orbit the sun, approx 365 days 6 hours but varying slightly according to the method of measurement (see anomalistic year, astronomical year, etc below)
  2. The time taken by any specified planet to revolve round the sun or, eg in science fiction, round any star
  3. The period of time beginning on 1 January and ending on 31 December, consisting of 365 days (except in a leap year, when one day is added to February, making the number 366), the present legal, civil or calendar year (see below)
  4. A space of twelve calendar months, or a period within each twelve-month space characterized by a particular activity, etc
  5. Students, etc as a group at the same stage of their education
  6. (in pl) a period of time or a person's life
  7. (in pl) a person's age
  8. (in pl) old age (archaic or poetic)
  9. (in pl) a very long time
ORIGIN: OE gēar; Ger Jahr, ON ār, Gr hōrā season

yearˈling noun

  1. An animal a year old
  2. A racehorse one year old, as calculated from 1 January of its year of foaling
  3. A bond maturing after one year (finance)
  1. A year old
  2. Maturing after one year (finance)

yearˈly adjective

  1. Happening every year
  2. Lasting a year
  3. For a year
  1. Once a year
  2. From year to year

A publication appearing, an event occurring, etc, once a year

yearˈbook noun

A book published annually, reviewing the events of the past year

year-endˈ noun

The end of the (esp financial) year (also adjective)

yearˈlong adjective

Lasting a year

year-on-yearˈ adjective (economics)

Of figures, set against figures for the equivalent period in the previous year

yearˈ-round adjective

Existing, lasting, open, etc throughout the year

anomalistic year

A year as measured by the earth's time of passage from perihelion to perihelion, ie 365 days, 6 hours, 13 minutes, 49 seconds

astronomical year

A year as measured by the time between two occurrences of the same equinox or solstice, ie the time taken for one complete mean apparent circuit of the ecliptic by the sun, ie 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 46 seconds (also called the equinoctial, natural, solar or tropical year)

calendar year same as legal year below.

canicular year

The Sothic year (see under Sothic)

civil year same as legal year below.

ecclesiastical year

The year as arranged in the ecclesiastical calendar, with the saints' days, festivals, etc

embolismic year

A year of thirteen lunar months (384 days) occurring in a lunisolar calendar such as that of the Jews

equinoctial year see astronomical year above.

financial year see under finance

fiscal year see under fiscal

great year see Platonic year below.

Hebrew year

A lunisolar year, of 12 or 13 months of 29 or 30 days (in every cycle of nineteen years the 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 19th having thirteen months instead of twelve)

Julian year

The year according to the Julian calendar (introduced by Julius Caesar, modified by Augustus; superseded by the Gregorian calendar), a period of 3651/4 days, longer than an astronomical year by about 11 minutes (see also style)

leap year see above.

legal year

The year by which dates are reckoned (it has begun on different dates at different periods in history, and for six centuries before 1752 it began in England on 25 March since when (earlier in Scotland) it has begun on 1 January)

lunar year

A period of twelve lunar months or 354 days

natural year see astronomical year above.

Platonic year

A cycle of years at the end of which the heavenly bodies were supposed to be again in the same place as at the Creation (also called great or perfect year)

sabbatical year see under Sabbath

sidereal year

The period required by the sun to move from a given star to the same star again, having a mean value of 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 9.6 seconds

solar or tropical year see astronomical year above.

the year dot see under dot1

the Year of Grace, or of our Lord

A formula used in stating any particular year since Christ's birth

year in, year out

  1. (happening, done, etc) every year
  2. With monotonous regularity





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