

单词 admissiblenesses

admit /əd-mitˈ/

transitive verb (admittˈing; admittˈed)
  1. To allow to enter (with into or to)
  2. To let in
  3. To concede
  4. To acknowledge
  5. To confess
  6. To be capable of
intransitive verb
  1. (with of) to be capable of
  2. To allow as possible or valid
ORIGIN: Partly through Fr, from L admittere, -missum, from ad to, and mittere, missum to send

admissibilˈity or admissˈibleness noun

admissˈible adjective

That may be admitted or allowed (generally, or specifically as legal proof)

admission /-mishˈən/ noun

  1. The act of admitting
  2. Anything admitted or conceded
  3. Permission to enter
  4. The price charged for entry

admissˈive adjective

admittˈable adjective

That may be admitted

admittˈance noun

  1. Admission
  2. Acceptability or acceptance (Shakespeare)
  3. The property of an electric circuit by virtue of which a current flows under the action of a potential difference

admittˈed adjective

  1. Acknowledged or conceded
  2. (of a law clerk) qualified to practise as a solicitor, having been admitted to the Law Society's roll of solicitors

admittˈedly adverb





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