vverb.perceptionlook over carefullyExamples:- Please inspect your father's will carefully
Hypernyms:examine see
Inherited Hypernyms:inspectexamine
Direct Hyponyms:casego overperambulatereviewsurveyvet
Full Troponyms:caseperambulatereviewvet
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | The customs agents --- the bags for drugs (apply to: inspect)
vverb.motioncome to see in an official or professional capacitySynset:visit
Examples:- The governor visited the prison
- The grant administrator visited the laboratory
Derivationally Related Form:visitationinspectionvisitvisitor
Inherited Hypernyms:visit
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.cognitionexamine carefully for accuracy with the intent of verificationSynset:audit scrutinise scrutinize
Examples:- audit accounts and tax returns
Derivationally Related Form:auditorinspectorscrutinyscrutiniserauditscrutinizer
Hypernyms:analyse analyze canvass examine study
Inherited Hypernyms:auditanalyze
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something