

单词 degree
nnoun.attributea position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality
Attributes:high intense low mild
Synset:grade level
  • a moderate grade of intelligence
  • a high level of care is required
  • it is all a matter of degree
Inherited Hypernyms:degreepropertyattributeabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:SPFamplitude levelcalibercalibredepthextremegrindhighhighnessimmoderatenessimmoderationintensityintensivenesslowlownessmoderatenessmoderationqualitysun protection factor
Full Hyponyms:
amplitude levelathleticismbadnessbruntdepthenergyexcessexorbitanceextravaganceextremeferocityfifth wheelfinenessfirst classfirst waterforcefoulnessglibnessgolden meangrindhighhighnessimmoderationinferiorityingenuityintensitylowlownessmoderationmomentumoveremphasisoverpluspoornessprofundityqualityreasonablenessredundancysavagenesssciolismscrawninesssecond classseriousnesssun protection factorsuperficialitysuperioritytopvehemencewretchedness
nnoun.statea specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process
Synset:level point stage
  • a remarkable degree of frankness
  • at what stage are the social sciences?
Inherited Hypernyms:degreestateattributeabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:acmeclimaxelevationend pointextentheightladderliving standardsmeridianpeakpinnacleplanequickeningresultantstandard of lifestandard of livingstate of the artsummitsuperlativetiptoptopultimacyultimateness
Full Hyponyms:
acmeclimaxextentextremityladderplaneprofoundnessquickeningresultantstandard of livingstate of the artultimacy
nnoun.communicationan award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study
Synset:academic degree
  • he earned his degree at Princeton summa cum laude
Hypernyms:accolade award honor honour laurels
Inherited Hypernyms:academic degreeawardsymbolsignalcommunicationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:associateassociate degreebaccalaureatebachelor's degreedoctor's degreedoctoratehonorary degreehonoris causahonourshonours degreelaw degreemaster's degree
Full Hyponyms:
associate degreeassociate in applied scienceassociate in artsassociate in nursingbachelor's degreebachelor of artsbachelor of arts in library sciencebachelor of arts in nursingbachelor of divinitybachelor of lawsbachelor of literaturebachelor of medicinebachelor of musicbachelor of naval sciencebachelor of sciencebachelor of science in architecturebachelor of science in engineeringbachelor of theologydoctor's degreedoctor of artsdoctor of dental medicinedoctor of dental surgerydoctor of divinitydoctor of educationdoctor of fine artsdoctor of humane lettersdoctor of humanitiesdoctor of lawsdoctor of medicinedoctor of musicdoctor of musical artsdoctor of optometrydoctor of osteopathydoctor of philosophydoctor of public healthdoctor of sacred theologydoctor of sciencedoctor of theologydouble firstdphilfirsthonorary degreehonourslaw degreemaster's degreemaster in businessmaster in public affairsmaster of architecturemaster of artsmaster of arts in library sciencemaster of arts in teachingmaster of divinitymaster of educationmaster of fine artsmaster of lawsmaster of library sciencemaster of literaturemaster of sciencemaster of science in engineeringmaster of theologyph
nnoun.quantitya measure for arcs and angles
  • there are 360 degrees in a circle
Part Holonyms:oxtant sextant
Hypernyms:angular unit
Inherited Hypernyms:degreeangular unitunit of measurementdefinite quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Part Meronyms:arcminute minute minute of arc
nnoun.cognitionthe highest power of a term or variable
Hypernyms:exponent index power
Inherited Hypernyms:degreeexponentmathematical notationnotationwritingwritten communicationcommunicationabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:degree of a polynomialdegree of a termfirst degree
Full Hyponyms:
degree of a polynomialdegree of a termfirst degree
nnoun.quantitya unit of temperature on a specified scale
  • the game was played in spite of the 40-degree temperature
Hypernyms:temperature unit
Inherited Hypernyms:degreetemperature unitunit of measurementdefinite quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:CFdegree Celsiusdegree Fahrenheitdegree centigrade
Full Hyponyms:
degree centigradedegree fahrenheitstandard temperaturestp
nnoun.attributethe seriousness of something (e.g., a burn or crime)
  • murder in the second degree
  • a second degree burn
Inherited Hypernyms:degreemagnitudepropertyattributeabstractionentity




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