

单词 object
释义 ob·ject
I. \ˈäbjikt, -jēkt sometimes -ˌjekt\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin objectus, from objectus, past participle of objicere, obicere to throw in the way, hinder, object, from ob- to, toward, against + -jicere, -icere (from jacere to throw) — more at ob-, jet
1. : something that is put or may be regarded as put in the way of some of the senses : a discrete visible or tangible thing
 < saw an object in the distance >
2. : something that arouses feelings (as of pity, amusement, disgust) in an observer : sight, spectacle
 a. : something (as an end, aim, or motive) by which the mind or any of its activities is directed : something on which the purposes are fixed as the end of action or effort : something that is sought for : final cause
  < let our object be, our country, our whole country, and nothing but our country — Daniel Webster >
  < the attainment of wealth was the object of his every effort >
  (1) : something that is set or may be regarded as set before the mind so as to be apprehended or known
   < an object of fear >
   < such objects of study >
  (2) : something of which the mind by any of its activities takes cognizance, whether a thing external in space and time or a conception formed by the mind itself
   < the opinion that the four main kinds of objects are cultural objects, other minds, physical objects, and data of our minds — Jørgen Jørgensen >
   — sometimes distinguished from ego, self-consciousness, and subject
  (3) : the totality of external phenomena constituting the not-self — compare intention
4. obsolete : representation, appearance, show
 a. : a noun or noun equivalent denoting in verb constructions that on or toward which the action of a verb is directed either actually or as conceived (as ball in I struck the ball and what had happened in I saw what had happened) and either immediately (as thanks in I give thanks) or less immediately (as you in I give you thanks)
 b. : a noun or noun equivalent having with an adjective or adverb a relation analogous to that of object with verb (as trouble in worth the trouble and brother in like his brother)
 c. : a noun or noun equivalent in a prepositional phrase (as table in on the table and city in from the city)
Synonyms: see intention
II. \əbˈjekt\ verb
Etymology: Middle English objecten, from Latin objectus, past participle of objicere, obicere to object
transitive verb
1. archaic
 a. : to set before or against : bring into opposition : oppose, interpose
 b. : to bring or place in view : expose
 c. : to offer as supportive evidence : bring forward as an argument or reason
2. : to offer in opposition (as by way of accusation or reproach) : adduce as an objection or adverse reason
 < objected that the statement was misleading >
3. obsolete
 a. : to expose to danger or other hazard
 b. : impute
intransitive verb
1. : to oppose something with words or argument — usually followed by to
 < objected vigorously to their statements >
2. : to feel aversion or distaste for something
 < any honest man will object to such a policy >
 protest, remonstrate, expostulate, kick: object focuses attention on the fact of voiced dislike, aversion, or dissent without implication about its manner or content
  < objecting as a matter of principle >
  < objecting because the evidence was unclear >
  protest may suggest uttered objection delivered either with orderly formality or with emotion
  < the bill was passed despite the arguments of the protesting senators >
  < he went here and there swearing and protesting against every delay in the work — Sherwood Anderson >
  remonstrate may apply to utterance blending objection and desire to persuade, influence, or convince
  < now and then a well-meaning friend of Sir Austin's ventured to remonstrate on a dangerous trial he was making in modeling any new plan of Education for a youth — George Meredith >
  expostulate may suggest earnest explanation of something objected to coupled with urgent insistence on change
  < I resolved, for Johnny's sake, to protest, and that very evening drew Gibbings aside and expostulated with him — A.T.Quiller-Couch >
  kick, often considered colloquial, suggests strenuous or recalcitrant objecting
  < employees kicking about the new regulations >
  < the crew kicking about their food >
  < newspaper editorials kicking about the delay >
III. noun
1. : a set of data, variables, and functions that is created, stored, and manipulated as a discrete basic unit in computer programming
2. : an entity (as an icon or window) especially as shown on a computer screen that can be manipulated independently of other such entities
IV. \ˈäbjikt, -jekt\ adjective
Etymology: object, noun
: of, relating to, or being object code
 < run an object file >




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