

单词 anacreontic
释义 anac·re·on·tic
I. \əˌnakrēˈäntik\ noun
Usage: sometimes capitalized
Etymology: Latin Anacreonticus, adjective
1. : a poem in imitation of or in the manner of Anacreon : a drinking song or light lyric
2. in Greek prosody : a verse having the cadence analyzed as two ionics a minore with anaclasis and supplement or as iambic dimeter catalectic with anapestic opening
II. \ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷\ adjective
Usage: usually capitalized
Etymology: Latin Anacreonticus, from Anacreont-, Anacreon died ab488B.C. Greek poet noted for his gay songs of love and drinking (from Greek Anakreont-, Anakreōn) + Latin -icus -ic
 a. : of or relating to Anacreon
 b. : like the poetry of Anacreon in structure, style, or theme
2. : relating to the praise of love and wine : gay, convivial, or amatory in tone or theme
 < Adrian waxed now and then Anacreontic in his compliments — George Meredith >
anacreontically adverb




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