

单词 stamp
释义 stamp
I. \ˈstamp, -aa(ə)mp, -aimp; in senses 2a of vt & 2 of vi also ˈstämp or -tȯmp\ verb
Etymology: Middle English stampen; akin to Old English stempan to stamp, Old High German stampfōn, Old Norse stappa to stamp, Latin temnere to slight, despise, Greek stembein to shake up, handle roughly, Sanskrit stambhate, stabhnati he supports
transitive verb
1. : to pound with a pestle or a heavy instrument; specifically : to crush (ore) by pounding with a stamp
  (1) : to strike or beat (something) forcibly with the bottom of the foot or by thrusting the foot downward
   < the watch officer stamping the deck — R.H.Davis >
   < stamping the mud off his boots >
   < stamping a trail in the deep snow — John Hunt & Edmund Hillary >
   < stamped an incongruous step … in a vain effort to dance to the music — Haldane MacFall >
  (2) : to bring down (the foot) forcibly or noisily on the ground or floor
   < stamps his feet with rage >
   < stamping her heels with true regimental emphasis — T.B.Costain >
   < pass unscathed over this burning charcoal although they actually stamp their feet on it — J.G.Frazer >
 b. : to extinguish, eradicate, or do away with (something) by or as if by stamping with the foot
  < are still trying to stamp the spread … following the war — T.H.Fielding >
  — usually used with out
  < one small fire … was easily stamped out — Frank Pemberton >
  < finally stamped out the cattle thieves — American Guide Series: Louisiana >
  < medical authorities attempted to stamp it out by quarantine measures — American Guide Series: Florida >
  < strong monarchs are stamping out privy conspiracy and rebellion — S.E.Morison & H.S.Commager >
 a. : to impress or mark (something) with a symbol or design in intaglio or relief with ink or coloring
 b. obsolete : to print (a book) with such a process
 c. : to impress or mark (something) with a device or design by means of a die and a blow or mechanical pressure
 d. : to cut out, bend, or form by a blow or sudden pressure with a stamp or die
  (1) : to impress (lettering or a design) with heated metal type or dies
  (2) : to impress (as a book) with lettering or a design
   < stamped book covers >
   < stamped bindings >
   < stamped cloth >
 a. : to impress or mark (something) with a device or lettering to authenticate, certify, or register formal or official examination or sanction
 b. : to impress (something) with an official mark, stamp, or adhesive label to certify that a government or state tax or duty has been paid
  (1) : to adjudge or categorize (a person or thing) as being of good or bad repute or value
   < little things … stamp a girl at her first informal beach party — Alex Atkinson >
   < long association with agrarian reform stamped him as a radical in the eyes of … moderates — R.A.Billington >
   < stamped him as an artist of extraordinary skill and perception — Howard Barnes >
   < the account of the foundation … stamps it as fraudulent — G.C.Sellery >
  (2) : to justify or lend approbation or sanction to (a person or thing)
   < a consummate ability that stamped him the peer of the greatest advocate of the age — W.J.Ghent >
   < the happy diction and the graceful phrase which literature has stamped with its authority — E.G.Bulwer-Lytton >
  (1) : to mark (a person or thing) with a distinctive or lasting characteristic
   < an art stamped with great beauty — American Guide Series: Ind. >
   < listlessness rather than vigor stamps most of the homeless men — American Guide Series: Minnesota >
   < stamped the works of Benedictine scholars with a character which they seldom lost — R.W.Southern >
  (2) : to mark or mold one's physical features or appearance with (a distinctive characteristic or cast) : trace
   < his paternity was stamped so indelibly on his outer shell — T.B.Costain >
 c. : to be a conspicuous characteristic of (something) : distinguish
  < the chief quality that stamps this study of jazz — R.L.Shayon >
  < corporate ties which had stamped the old monasticism — R.W.Southern >
  (1) : to embed or deeply impress (a fact, idea, or effect)
   < the Welsh characteristics are indelibly stamped — Wilfrid Goatman >
   — usually used with on or upon
   < the firm discipline of the Roman Military Academy was stamped on him — L.C.Douglas >
   < one of the symbolic events that had stamped itself on his mind as a child — Van Wyck Brooks >
  (2) : to impose or firmly mark (an influence, quality, or development) — usually used with on or upon
   < concerned to stamp our civilization upon the world — Bertrand Russell >
   < developments which were to stamp a new form of papal authority on the church — R.W.Southern >
   < his genius was stamped on the ecclesiastical architecture — G.M.Trevelyan >
intransitive verb
1. : to strike, beat, or crush in a manufacturing process : pound
 < fibers had been fermented, and then separated by … stamping — R.K.Johnson >
 a. : to strike or thrust the foot forcibly or noisily downward
  < men stamping about with clanking swords — Richard Joseph >
  < men stamped all over the decks — Anthony Carson >
  < steps would stamp into the kitchen — Nancy Hale >
  < stamp round in a circle — Wilfred Thesiger >
  < officers' mounts stamped and steamed before a … hitching post — F.V.W.Mason >
 b. : to push or beat something down by such stamping with the foot — usually used with on
  < stamp on the accelerator — Green Peyton >
  < jumping and stamping on the leaves >
 c. : to extinguish, extirpate, or do away with something by or as if by such stamping
  < nearby householders were stamping on the sparks to keep the brush fire from spreading >
  < decided to stamp on all utterances of a disloyal character — Zechariah Chafee >
II. \ˈstamp, -aa(ə)mp, -aimp; in sense 4 also ˈstämp or -tȯmp\ noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: Middle English stampe, from stampen to stamp
1. : a device or instrument for stamping: as
 a. : a die or tool for impressing or marking a design or pattern (as of a coin, postage stamp, or plaque) on metal, paper, or other soft or absorbent material
  (1) : a heavy pestle raised by water or steam power for crushing ore
  (2) stamps plural : stamp mill
 c. : a bookbinder's embossing tool
 d. : a machine for beating and softening hides
2. : the impression, design, or mark made by stamping or imprinting with a die or tool: as
 a. : such an impression or mark used to give authentication, distinctive value, or force to something (as a coin, a document, or goods)
  (1) : an official mark or seal set on something (as a warrant or deed) chargeable with a government or state duty or tax or on papers legally requiring execution under certain conditions to signify that the duty or tax has been paid or the conditions fulfilled
  (2) : postmark
 a. : a cast, make, or kind marked by distinctive or peculiar qualities or characteristics : type
  < reformers of all stamps are prone to regard the existing order as sheer folly — H.J.Muller >
  < books of a serious stamp — Jane Austen >
  < does not indiate that the ideal field trial dog is of that stamp — W.F.Brown b. 1903 >
 b. : a distinguishing or characteristic imprint, sign, or impression : mark
  < a poet who has left her stamp upon her generation — Sara H. Hay >
  < these works have the classic stamp upon them — Laurence Binyon >
  < the very stamp of genius — Alfred Kazin >
  < in its content and terminology the unmistakable stamp of the backwoods — American Guide Series: Ind. >
 c. : the lasting imprint or residual impression of something : effect
  < sun and weather … and the deeper stamp of his new life have made him physically a stranger — Dixon Wecter >
  < the stamp of his character upon his style — Arnold Isenberg >
 d. : external appearance : physical cast or form
  < the English look gave way to a Celtic stamp on the features of the inhabitants — Richard Joseph >
 e. : a sign or certification of worth based on judgment or opinion
  < implied this to be the very highest stamp of juvenile merit — George Eliot >
  < carries the stamp of approval >
4. : an act of stamping; especially : a forceful downward stroke or step with the foot
5. obsolete : something stamped or impressed with a device : coin, medal
6. : a picture made by an inked impression from an engraved surface : engraving, plate
 a. : a stamped or printed device or slip of paper issued by a government or state at a fixed price and required by law to be affixed to or stamped on various papers or matter as evidence that the government charge or tax is paid — compare postage stamp
 b. : such a stamp privately printed or issued for any purpose of signification or certification : seal — compare trading stamp
8. : a card for gambling marked on the back by the manufacturer — compare reader
9. : a section of a bloom nicked, partly cut through, or broken off to show the grain




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