

单词 have
释义 have
I. \(|)hav, (|)hev; as an auxiliary or _(h)əv or after a vowel v; before “to” usually |haf or |hef\ verb
(past had \(|)had, (|)hed; as an auxiliary or _(h)əd or after a vowel d\ ; also archaic second singular hadst \(|)ha]dzt, (|)he], _(h)ə], ]dst, ]tst\ ; or (with “thou”) had·dest \|hadə̇st, |hed-\ ; past part had also chiefly Scottish haen \(|)hān\ ; present part hav·ing \|haviŋ, |hev-\ ; present first singular have also dialect British ha \(|)ha, _(h)ə\ ; or chiefly Scottish hae \(|)hā\ ; second singular have also archaic (with “thou”) hast \(|)hast, (|)hest, _(h)əst\ ; or dialect British ha third singular has \(|)haz, (|)hez; as an auxiliary or _(h)əz or after a vowel z; before “to” usually |has or |hes\ ; also archaic hath \(|)hath, (|)heth, _(h)əth\ ; or dialect British have plural have also dialect British ha or han \(|)han, _(h)ən\ ; or chiefly Scottish hae \(|)hā\)
Etymology: Middle English haven, habben, from Old English habban; akin to Old High German habēn to have, Old Norse hafa, Gothic haban, Old English hebban to lift, raise — more at heave
transitive verb
 a. : to hold in possession as property : own
  < have a cow >
  < have a car >
  < have a lot of money >
 b. : to hold, keep, or retain especially in one's use, service, regard, or affection or at one's disposal
  < can't have your cake and eat it too >
  < the chairman has all the tickets needed >
  < has some rare coins saved up >
  < have him in fond remembrance >
  < have no time to lose >
 c. : to consist of (as all one's elements or constituent parts) : contain, include
  < have a subordinate part >
  < the car has a self-starter >
  < the lake has some large pickerel >
  < April has 30 days >
 d. : carry, bear, support
  < have an essential part >
  < have an attachment >
  < the house has a roof >
  < the dress has a label >
  < has a blue suit >
  < has a tweed coat >
 e. : to be possessed by
  < declaring she had a devil — Max Peacock >
2. : to feel compulsion, obligation, or necessity in regard to — used with a noun object followed by to and the infinitive
 < have a letter to write >
 < have a task to perform >
 < have nothing to do >
 < have a deadline to meet >
 a. : to stand in any of several personal relationships to (as father to son, host to guest, friend to friend)
  < the man had four daughters >
  < it is unpleasant to have enemies >
 b. : to be attended by or associated with often as an essential concomitant
  < the king has many courtiers >
  < certain foods present special difficulties and so have rules of their own to make eating them easier — Agnes M. Miall >
  < the wine had no effect on me >
  < his proposal had many objections >
 c. : to stand or remain in any of several implicit physical, logical, or emotional relationships to
  < as we sailed north we had Africa on our right >
  < had only six feet of water under the keel >
  < the word has no exact equivalent >
  < have the voters on the right side >
  (1) : to acquire or get possession of : obtain
   < nothing to be had from the empty larder >
   < good meat could not be had at all during the food shortage >
  (2) : gain
   < had a lot from the trip >
   < had nothing from the experience >
  (3) : to be able to avail oneself of or utilize (something already done or completed)
   < in this field a student has many helpful monographs and handbooks >
  (4) : win
   < had the hole by two strokes >
   < ought to have the fight by the third round >
 b. : receive
  < had news of the lost ship >
  < asked if the police had any infomation that might lead to an arrest >
  < had a letter from him >
 c. : accept
  < so burnt no one would have a piece >
 specifically : to accept in marriage
  < wished to marry but could find no one who would have him >
 d. : achieve
  < believes a satisfactory peace can be had between the belligerent powers >
 e. : to copulate with
  < rumor claimed he had never had a woman in his life — Norman Mailer >
 a. : to be marked, distinguished, or characterized by (as an attribute, quality, position, or a distinctive biographical fact)
  < the cloth has a silky texture >
  < had a taste for exotic foods >
  < has a habit of nail biting >
  < the threat had the desired effect >
  < had a height of four feet >
  < the goods had a value of $1000 >
  < the common law had its origin in a group of writs drawn from various uses — Curtis Bok >
 b. : exhibit, show, manifest
  < had the goodness to get a chair >
  < had the gall to refuse >
 c. : use, exercise
  < have a care what you say to him >
  < have mercy on us >
 a. : to experience especially by submitting to, undergoing, being affected by, enjoying, or suffering
  < have a rest >
  < have a medical examination >
  < have a cold >
  < the worst government they ever had >
  < have an operation >
  < a book that will have a wide circulation >
  : pass
  < have a life full of suffering >
 b. : to carry on or engage in : perform
  < have a standing feud with a political opponent >
  < have a fight >
  < have a talk with a friend >
  < have a part in a play >
 also : execute, take
  < had a punch at the assailant before he escaped >
  < had a look at the body >
 c. : to entertain in the mind or feelings : cherish
  < had a great deal of affection for the children >
  < have no doubt of success >
  < have an opinion >
 a. : to cause to go : lead, convey
  < did not have the child anywhere where he could be exposed to measles >
  < the aunt had the child to live with her >
 b. : to cause to by persuasive or forceful means (as by inviting, ordering, compelling) — used with the infinitive without to
  < had the chauffeur drive to town >
  < had the children go to bed early >
  < the court had him pay the man what he owed him >
  < you are going to pay for the damage and I'll have you know it >
 c. : to cause to be
  < has people around at all times >
  < likes to have people in the office who are efficient >
  < had him sick with the details of the accident >
  < anxious to have you a satisfied customer — Richard Joseph >
  < nearly had the table over with her pushing and shoving >
  < had the tent poles down in a minute >
 d. : to cause to become
  < I'll have him a good soldier before long >
  (1) : to cause to come by inviting
   < have friends over for an evening of bridge >
  (2) : to receive as a guest
   < I'll be over whenever you can have me >
 f. : to represent to be
  < the author always has his characters doing foolish things >
 a. : to allow to or suffer to — used with the infinitive without to
  < would not have him treat the dog so >
 b. : to allow to be or suffer to be
  < will not have him chosen president >
  < have women in the men's part of the building only once a month on visitors' day >
  < a strange man to have around >
  (1) : to be marked by an intellectual grasp of : know, understand
   < a student who has only a little French and no mathematics >
   < having no foreign language he was handicapped and ineffectual — Carl Van Doren >
  (2) : to understand the character of
   < you do not need to associate with him long before you have him >
  (3) : to be able to handle adequately
   < the job is so easy that in only a few days you have it >
 b. : to place in a scale of distinctions : categorize
  < sees with so many sense and other organs that you never know where to have him artistically — Times Literary Supplement >
 a. : to maneuver into a position of disadvantage or cause to be at a disadvantage
  < had his opponent at the point of defeat >
  < the criminal had the police nonplussed >
  < the team had their opponents beaten before the half >
 b. : to place or maneuver into a vulnerable or defenseless position or a position bringing certain defeat
  < when he brought the charge before the court he had me since the evidence against me was in my own handwriting >
 c. : outwit, outplay, outmaneuver
  < had his opponent in only three more moves of the chessmen >
  : defeat
  < would like to play on but you have me steadily >
  : to get the better of or triumph over by finding, achieving, getting
  < had the laugh on me >
  < had the goods on me >
  < had the jump on me >
 d. : trick, cheat, fool, bamboozle
  < in this enterprise the partners had him and left him without a penny >
  < the size of this bill convinces me I've been had >
 a. : to be in a position to exercise (as a right or privilege)
  < as a friend he has the freedom of my house >
  < has no right to go >
 b. : to be in control of : be responsible for
  < was put in charge and he has overall direction of the program — C.E.Black & E.C.Helmreich >
  < has the job of directing traffic >
12. : bear, beget
 < she is going to have a baby >
 < the man had a son last week >
13. : to partake of : eat, drink
 < have dinner at 7 o'clock >
 < have coffee every morning >
: smoke
 < have a cigarette after breakfast >
14. : to give a job to : hire
 < no shipowner will hire him, no captain will have him — P.J.Scharper >
15. : to associate oneself with : participate in
 < won't have any part of the dirty business >
 a. : to cause to do one's bidding : control, dominate
  < the man with the money was always able to have him >
 b. : buy 4, bribe, suborn
  < as long as juries, judges and law enforcement officers can be had for a price — D.W.Maurer >
17. : to engage and hold (as the attention)
 < the salesman had the interest of the buyer >
 < the political candidate has the ear of the farmers >
verbal auxiliary
1. : to be in a position or state marked by an action or state completed or ended or virtually completed or ended — used with the past participle to form the present perfect, past perfect, or future perfect
 < has gone home >
 < have been here already >
 < the army had already taken the town when we arrived >
 < will have finished dinner by the time the guests arrive >
2. : to be compelled or under obligation or necessity — used with the infinitive with to
 < have to see a doctor >
 < have to pay taxes >
 < had to be home by six >
— compare get I 12b
 hold, own, possess, enjoy: have is a very general term indicating any condition or action of control, retaining, keeping, regarding, or experiencing as one's own. hold suggests stronger control, grasp, or retention: to hold to an opinion suggests greater tenacity and resolution than to have an opinion; to hold control implies firm retention in contrast to to have control, which may imply the accidental or temporary; to hold a job suggests continuation, to have one occupation at the moment. own may suggest holding with power to use and dispose as a legal or natural right
  < own one's own house >
  < the stockholders own the corporation, and the corporation owns the assets of the incorporated business — Harold Koontz & Cyril O'Donnell >
  < when a child is old enough, he should … be allowed to own books — Bertrand Russell >
  possess may be interchangeable with have; similar to own, it may apply more widely to intangibles
  < he possesses, through his experience, knowledge not possessed by those whose experience has been different — Bertrand Russell >
  < it must be a delightful city, and possess all the attractions of the next world — Oscar Wilde >
  enjoy implies having as one's own with all benefits and advantages, usually pleasurable, or with other concomitants, perhaps unpleasant
  < enjoys worldwide fame >
  < enjoy unlimited opportunities >
  < shorn of the remarkable privileges which he formerly enjoyed — J.G.Frazer >
Synonym: see in addition ought.

- had as good
- had as lief
- had better
- had liefer
- had liefest
- have a go
- have a hand in
- have at
- have done
- have done with
- have had it
- have it
- have it coming
- have it in for
- have it in one
- have it out
- have it over
- have kittens
- have none of
- have nothing on
- have no use for
- have oneself
- have one's eye on
- have one's hands full
- have one's head
- have one's head
- have one's own back
- have something on
- have to do with
- to have and to hold
II. \ˈhav\ noun
: one that has material wealth as distinguished from one that is poor
 < conceived of war as a battle between the haves and the have-nots for control of the world's wealth >
 < rich and poor, employer and employee, haves and have-nots alike — Engineering and Mining Journal >




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