

单词 fresh bean
fresh bean
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fresh bean: fresh beans
The accompanying lettuce, fresh bean sprouts and cilantro provide cool crunch.
Washington Post(Sep 30, 2016)
Dips: Fix an assortment of crudités and cold cuts, maybe adding some bread or crackers, and serve alongside a fresh bean dip or hummus.
Los Angeles Times(Sep 03, 2015)
The flagship ale from the Torrance brewery is a robust American porter that's heavily dosed with fresh beans specially roasted by Groundwork Coffee.
Los Angeles Times(Dec 17, 2014)
n beans eaten before they are ripe as opposed to dried
green bean
immature bean pod eaten as a vegetable
wax bean, yellow bean
snap beans with yellow pods
shell bean
unripe beans removed from the pod before cooking
snap, snap bean
tender green beans without strings that easily snap into sections
string bean
green beans with strings that must be removed
Kentucky wonder, Kentucky wonder bean
flat-podded green bean
English runner bean, runner bean, scarlet runner, scarlet runner bean
long bean pods usually sliced into half-inch lengths; a favorite in Britain
French bean, haricot vert, haricots verts
very small and slender green bean
lima bean
broad flat beans simmered gently; never eaten raw
butter bean, butterbean, civet bean, sieva bean
small flat green bean similar to lima beans
broad bean, fava bean
shell beans cooked as lima beans
green soybean
seeds shelled and cooked as lima beans
common bean
any of numerous beans eaten either fresh or dried




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