

单词 caveat emptor
caveat emptor
(once / 79861 pages)

Caveat emptor is Latin for "Let the purchaser beware." That means if you buy something, it’s yours. No returns, no take backs. No need to save that receipt.
If you see the words caveat emptor, the person selling you something won't let you return it, so you better check it out thoroughly before you hand over the cash. You, the buyer, are taking a chance. If that flying car you bought doesn’t soar, tough luck. A seller will say or write caveat emptor to avoid an argument later.
caveat emptor: caveat emptors
Caveat emptor, in most cases, is a better regulator than any regulator.
Wall Street Journal(Dec 23, 2016)
This experience drove home to me the meaning of the words caveat emptor.
New York Times(May 03, 2016)
In July 2011, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau launched with a mission contrary to the Latin phrase “caveat emptor,” or “let the buyer beware.”
Washington Post(Jul 29, 2016)
n a commercial principle that without a warranty the buyer takes upon himself the risk of quality
precept, principle
rule of personal conduct




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