单词 | Level-6 |
释义 | Level-6 (2000 words) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ~ A level ABC ABC's AN Achilles Adrian Aides Al Alaska Albany Algeria Almighty Alps Amen Amsterdam Andrews Angel Antony Arabian Arabic Argentina Aristotle Arkansas Armenia Armstrong Assyria Athenian Attorney General Augustine abate abhor abnormal abominable abortion absurdity abused abyss accelerate accession accidentally accumulated accurately acknowledgment acquiesce acquit act on act upon activism activist adaptation addict adieu adjacent adjective adjourn adjusted adjustment administrator admirably admonish advancement advisable afar affectionately aft aggravate aggregate aide airs airy akin alarming ale allegation allegiance allegiant allot allure aloof alternately analyze anarchy anatomy ancients anew annals annex annihilate anon answer for antagonist ape apologize apostle appalling apparel apparition appease appendix applicable approbate approbation appropriation approximately arbiter arc arguing aristocratic arranging articulate as a matter of fact ascending ascent assailant assassination assuredly astound at heart at rest atheism atomic atone atrocity attainment attorney general audit augment aviate awakening ax Beatrice Beijing Bell Bennett Birmingham Blair Blessed Born Bradley Bristol Briton Brooks Bulgaria Bull back and forth backing backwards baffled bail baked balanced bald ballet bamboo bandage bankruptcy baptize baptized barbarous bard barge barrack barred barrels basketball bass bate bathing battered bayonet bbl beads bear on bearer beats bedside before long beforehand bellow beneficial benevolence berth beset besieged betroth betwixt beware bias bicycle billow bin birch biscuit biting black eye bland bleak blight blinded blink blockade blocked blot blur blushing bode bombard bomber bombing bondage bonus boon borrowing botany boundless bounty bower bowing boyhood boyish brake bravery break through bridegroom brig brightly brightness brim bring forth bring home bring on brink briskly bristle brooding brotherhood brushed bucket buckle buff buffalo build up bunker bunny buoy burgle burst out bushel buy it by far CEO Cairo Canterbury Capital Carlos Carlyle Carroll Carthage Catholic Church Chancellor Chaucer Churchill Cincinnati Coleridge Colombia Commons Comte Conservative Continent Cook Crawford Creek Cu Cuban Curtis Cynthia cabbage cadet cage call up campus candid candy canyon capitalist captivity caravan caring carol cartoon caste casualty caught up cement cemetery censor census certificate chalk chaos chaplain charmed chased chaste cheering cheery chemist chestnut chew chieftain chime chopped chord chronic chuck churchyard cinema civilisation clamor clarence classified clatter cleaning cleanse clench clenched climax climb up cloister closest clouded clown clump coachman coax coherent coincidence coincident cold water cole collaborate collector collision come about come after come away come by come forth come round comet comforted comforts coming back commandant commemorate commissioned communion companionship compartment compatible compelling complacent complaining completion complication compliments composure comprehensible comprehension con concentration conciliate conclusive concur condemnation condense conducting confidently confinement confirmation confiscate congenial congratulation congressman conjunction conn connexion consecrated consecutive conserve considerate consternate consternation constrain constrained consular consummate contemporaries contention continuance contractor controlling controversial convoy coolness cooperation cop cope cordially core corrections correctly counsellor count on coup courageous courtyard cove covet cowardly creak crisp criticise crosse crow crucial cruelly cruiser crumb crumble crushing cub culminate cupboard curate curb curled curved custody cut out cutter cynic cynical DC Dallas Dane Dante Delaware Denver Devil Dis Dryden damages damsel darling dashing dating daunt daybreak daze dazed dealings deceased deceit deception deduct default defendant deference deferent deficiency defile deform degradation deject delegation deliberation delirium deliverance delusion demolish denominate dependence dependent on deploy depose depot depressed depression derby deride deserving desolation despairing despond destitute destroyer deter determining diagnosis dialect die away digestion diligence din dining-room dipped dire directing disappearance disarm discard disclosed discomfort discount discouraged discredit discrimination disgusted disk disliked dispersed displace displeasure disrupt distill distinctive distracted disturbing divers diversion dividend dizzy do good dogged dominated don donation donkey dozens draw out dreadfully dreamy drifting drilling dripping drive away drive in drive out drooping drought drowse drowsy dungeon duration dusky Earth Eden Education Edwards Edwin Eisenhower Elli Emerson Energy Ethiopia Eve each year early days earnestness ebb eclipse economics edifice effectively effectually elapsed elastic electrical elegance elementary eligible elm elude emancipation emblem embryo emigrant emigrate eminence eminently emphatically enchanted encircle enclosure end up endanger endurance enduring enforced enforcement engaging engraving enhance enmity enrage enroll enter upon entreaty enumerate envelop erroneous erupt estimation ether ethical ethnic evacuate every night evince evoke ex excavate excitedly excused exhaustion experimental expired explicable explicate explicit exploded exploration exposit exposition exterior extinct extinguished extravagance eyed eyelid FBI Flanders Fletcher Friend factor in fading falcon fall off fall out fallible familiarity farce farming fascinated fascination federal government feign felicity fellowship ferment fern ferocious fertility fertilize festive fetter feudal fibre fifteenth fill up filter filthy finely firmness first half first step fitness fixing flaming flare flattering flattery flaw flirt flit flourishing flute fluttering focused footman for sale forcibly forego foreign minister foreign policy foreman forgetful forlorn fortification fortified forum fossil foster four times fourteenth fox fraction fracture fragile fragrance frail framing fraternal fray freeman frenzy freshman freshness frivolous frock front door fruitful fruitless fumble fume funding furnishing furrow furthermore fuse Gabriel Gary Gaul Gibson Gladstone Glasgow God's Will Goethe Goldman Gothic Graham Gray Groves Guy gaiety gaily gal gall gallon gambling gape garb gateway gather in gaunt gazette gentile gentleness geographical get along get down get hold get hold of gilded gilt gin ginger girdle give away give out give rise glacier gladness glaring glisten glorify go ahead go far go wrong goat godly going away good luck good night good sense good will goodly gospel governess graduated graft grandson graphic grasping gratification gratified graze greedy grievance grievous grope grotesque growth rate guitar gum gush gust Hampshire Harding Harvey Hawaii Helena Hercules Hindu Hitler Homer Hong Kong Hopkins House of Representatives Howe Hughes Hugo Hungarian habitation hamper handbook handwrite handwriting hang in hardened hardy hark harmonious harper hateful hazel headache headlong healing health care heaps hearer heath heighten hello helpful hem hemisphere heresy heretic heretofore heritage hermit highlight hillside hind hinge hitch hitting hog holder homely homeward honours hopelessly horribly hostage howling huddle human race humane humiliation hypocrisy hysteria IDA III Iceland Indonesia Iranian Iraqi Irishman Irving Isabella Islamic icy idealism idleness idolater il illuminated imaginative immensely immigrate immigration imminent immoral immortality immune imp impair impartial impede impend impending imperative imperious impertinent impetuous impossibility impotent improbable improper impulsive impute in a low voice in detail in effect in line in practice in private in so far in some way in the beginning in use in writing inability inadequate inaugurate incarnate incense incentive incidental inclose incredulous indictment indignantly indirectly individuality indolent infallible infamous infancy inference infernal inferno infirm ingenuity inhere inherent iniquity inject injunction injurious innings insinuate insistent instructor insufficient insurrection intentional intently inter interest rate intermediate interpreted interrogate intricate invader inventor investing inviting involuntarily irrigate irritable irritated irritation isolation iterate iv Jamaica Jay Jerome Joel Joshua Joyce Judith j jazz jelly junction junior just so justification Kaiser keep out khan kicking kidnap kindled kinsman kirk kissing kitten knave Ladyship Last Day Lebanon Leicester Leon Light Lydia laborious labourer lamb landlady languid lark lass lateral laud lawless lawmaker lawsuit lb lean against lean back lean on legacy legally legislator leisurely lending liability liar liberation licence light up lingering listed literate liver loathe locomote logo loneliness longest longitude loop lordship lose sight of loveliness lowering lucid ludicrous lug luggage lull luminous lunacy lustre lynch Macedonia Mackenzie Madison Madonna Marian Marine Marines Marshall Mason Melbourne Methodism Methodist Middle Ages Middle East Modern Mohammed Montgomery Montreal Moslem ma madden madman magical magician magnificence magnify magnitude mainland malicious mandate manic manipulate manor mantle manufactured manure mar marguerite marking marsh martial marvelous masculine masterpiece mastery mat matched maternal mathematical matrimony matron measurement measuring mechanically meddle mellow melting membership mentally merchandise merrily metaphor metaphysics meter metre metropolitan mid migration millionaire minded miniature mischievous mistakable misunderstand mockery mocking moderation moisture mold mole molest monetary monitor monopoly monotonous monte moor morbid morn mortality mortar mosque motto moustache movable muddy muffle murmuring murphy muscular mushroom musing muttering muzzle myriad mystical mythology NATO Nazi New Testament New World New Year New Year's Nigeria Noah Norfolk North America nap nasty nationalism naturalism naturalist naughty ne'er necklace needful needless negligent nervously never again newcomer nicely nickname nightmare ninety nodding noiseless nominal nominated normally north-west northwest nostril notably noticeable notify nought noun nursing nutrify Oklahoma Olympics Orange Oriental oblivion obscurity observance obsess ode odious odium odour of a sudden of necessity offender officially on fire on hand on the one hand one-third onetime only too open up opium orbit ordained ordeal ordering ordinance ordinarily organisation outburst outlet output outset outstanding outstretched oval overboard overhang overhaul overhear overlooked overpower overseas overturn ownership ox oxen oxygen Palmer Panama Parisian Parks Pauline Petersburg Pharaoh Philippines Pittsburgh Plymouth Polish Portland Powell Presbyterian Psalm Puritan pacify packing pad pan panting papal parlour parrot participation partition pass out passionately passport pastoral paternal patriarch patronage pavilion peach peal pebble peg penance penetrating perchance performer permanently perpendicular perpetually perplexity persist in personnel perspective perspire persuasion perturb peruse pervade perverse pervert phantom philanthropy photographer physically physiology pick out picket pickle picnic pictured piercing piles pilgrimage pill piteous planter planting plateau plausible playful playoff plentiful plight plough plow plug plum plump plural ply polar politely politeness political party politically polls pollution populace pore pork porter portfolio posterity posture potter powerless precedented precept precision prediction prelate premature premises preoccupy prescribed prescription prestige presumable presumably presumption pretending pretension pretext prevailing preview prick priority privy probe prodigious prof profoundly prohibition projecting prone propaganda propagate propel prostitute provident provider provoked pub public school publicity pudding pull up purchasing purge put off put together Quaker Queens quarry quart quarterback quench quicker Renaissance Reynolds Richardson Rochester Rock Rosa Rupert raging rails rainbow rainy rake ramp ranging ranking ransom rape ratio ration ravage rave reach out realistic realization reasonably recipe reckoning reconciled reconciliation reconstruct recount recourse recreate recreation redemption redistribute reducing reef refinement reflecting refreshing refreshment regulated regulator reinforcement relentless reliance relinquish reluctance reluctantly reminiscence remit remonstrance renowned repeal repentance reproduction reptile republican republish reservation resound respectfully restoration restricted retailer retiring retreated revealing reversed revert revised revision revoke rice rick riddle rigor rim ripen rise up ritual rivalry robust rot rotate rove rover rubbing rubbish ruby ruddy ruffian ruffle rum rumble run off run over runway rustic rusty ruth ruthless Salisbury Saudi Saul Scots Serbia Sessions Set Shaw Shelley Sherman Simpson Singapore South America Soviet Union State Department Stevens Stevenson Stone Sullivan Swedish sagacity salad sanctify sap satin scaffold scalp sceptic scholarship schoolmaster scorch scoring scourge scowl screaming seam second half secrecy secrete secular seduce segment selfishness seminary senseless sensibility sensual sentinel sentry separately sequence set about set aside seventeenth sewing shabby shaded shady shake hands shameful sharing shark sharpen shifting shivering shoal shocking shortage shorten shovel show up shrinking shroud shuffle shun shutter sicken sidewalk sights significantly signing sinful sinister sip sir sixteenth skeptic skilful skirmish slander slash slate sledge slew sling slipper slipping smashed smoothly smother snare snarl sniff snort snowy snug so to speak sobbing soccer soda solemnity solo solved sombre sometime sonnet sophisticate sophisticated sorely sown spacious spade sparrow specialism specialist specialize specifically spelling spike spinning spirited sponge sporting sportsman spotted sprawl spread out squat squirrel stack stained stakes stanza stark start out starvation starved starving stature stay on stays stead steadfast stealth stealthy step forward step out step up sterile sterling stew stick to sticking stipulate stir up stock exchange stony stool stow straggle straits strand strangle strawberry streaming strenuous stricken stripes stronghold stuffed stunned stunt subsidy sufferer suggestive suitor sulk sulphur sum of money sum up sundry super superficial superfluous superstitious suppliant supposition supremacy surmise surmount survival susceptible suspension sweetheart sweetly swelled swollen sympathize Taliban Testament Thames Tokyo Toronto Town Toyota Truman Turkey tack tag tails taint take charge take down take hold take hold of take leave tangled taper tapped tar tariff taunt taxation tease teddy tedious temperance temperate temporal temporarily tempting tenor terminal termination territorial that much the Flood theoretical therapy thickly thickness thigh thinker thirsty thirty-five this night threads thrice thrift thrilled thrilling through with throw up thus far thwart tick tickle tidy tie up tile tilt timely toby toilet tolerably tolerant tomato too soon tooth tortured touchdown towering trade in tranquillity transcend transcribe transformation transgress transmitted transportation tray treasurer tremulous triple triumphantly trooper trophy troublesome trout truce trustee trusting tub turbulent turned on turtle twain twelfth twenty-four hours twenty-one twenty-two twig twine twinkling twitch two-thirds typically U USA Utah unbroken uncover under way underlie undermine undisturbed undo undue uneasiness unequal ungrateful universally unlimited unlock unlucky unmistakable unprecedented unquestionable unreasonable unveil uplift uproar usher usurp VA Vatican Vega Venetian Viet Nam Virgil vaccine vale valet valve vanquish vapor vastly vegetation veiled verbal verify vexation vibration vie viewer vigour villager vindicate vinegar vineyard virgin virus visual vitality volcanic volley voluntarily vote in vulnerable Wagner Ward Warren Wayne Wellington Welsh West Indies Windsor Wisconsin Wolf Word Wordsworth wad wag waistcoat wait on walk about walk away walk out walnut wanderer wane wanton warden warehouse warlike warmed wasting watch over weakened wearily weariness web site wee weeds weighing weird wharf wheeled whim whine whirling whiskey whisky whistling wholesale widespread wield wig wile willingness wireless wise to withal withdrawal withered withstand witty wizard wonted wooded woodland workshop worldwide worn out worshipped wreath wrecked wrench wrinkled writ write about write of writhe X Yale yarn yearly yearning yelled yon zealous zero 11th 13th 144 145 155 165 175 190 21st 24th 25th 28th 2d 30th 3rd 6th 7th 8th 9th |
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