单词 | Level-2 |
释义 | Level-2 (1500 words) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWY~ Africa African Alexander Anne Arab Army Arthur Asia August Australia a couple of a good deal a great deal abandon ability abound abroad absence absolutely absorb absurd abundant abuse academy accepted access accompanied accomplished accordingly accurate accused accustom accustomed achieve acknowledge acquaintance acquainted acquired acting activity actor adapt add to additional addressed admiral admiration adopted advanced advertise advice affected affection afterward agency agitate agreeable agreement alas alike alive all in all over allude alter alternate amaze ambassador ambition amend anchor angel annoy annual anticipate anxiety anywhere apart apartment apology apple application applied appointed appreciate apprehend approaching appropriate arch armed arranged arrangement arrival arrive at arts as it is ascend ashamed ask for asking asleep aspect assemble assembly assert assign assistance association assumed assured at present atmosphere attach attached attain attempted attended attitude attribute audience authorities available await awaken awful Black Boston bag bake balance ball bar bark baron based basis be due be full beach beam beard bearing beast becoming behave believe in belonging beloved ben bend bent betray blame blaze blessed blessing bob boil bomb bone bones boot border borrow bosom bottle bowl brand breakfast breaking breathe breed breeze bridge brilliant bring to bringing brow brown brush budget burden buried burned burning butt butter C California Catholic Chicago China Chinese Christmas Congress Court cabin cabinet calculate call for calling candidate canoe cap capacity cape captive card cardinal care for careless carriage carry out cattle cave celebrate celebrated cell centre ceremony certainty chain chairman challenge chamber champion channel chap characteristic charged charity charming chart cheap cheerful chest chiefly chosen circular civilize classic clerk clever cliff climate cling close to closely cloth coal coffee col collected collection colony column come down come into come on comedy comic commander commence commerce commercial committed communication comparative compel complain complaint completed completely composed comprehend compute conceal conceive conception concerned concluded conclusion condemn conference confine confirm conflict confusion connected connection conquer conscience consciousness consent consideration constantly constitution construction consult consumer contact contained contemplate contempt contend contest continual contrary contrast convenient convert convey convict conviction convinced cook corn corps corrupt cottage cotton counsel countenance counter cow crack craft creep crew criminal crisis criticism crop crossed crowded crown cruel crush cultivate culture cure curiosity curse curtain customer cutting DES December Democrat Don Dutch d damage dancing dash data datum dawn debate decade deceive deck decline decor decorate deed deem defeat defence define definite defy delay deliberate delighted delightful democracy democrat demonstrate departure deposit depth derive description deserve designed desired despair desperate despite destine destroyed destruction details detect developed devil devoted dignity dim diplomat directed dirt disaster discharge discipline discovery discussion dish dismiss display disposition dispute distinction distinguished distress disturbed divided do in doctrine document domestic doubtless drag drawing dreadful dressed drift driven driver driving drove drug drunk dull dust dying East Edward Elizabeth Englishman eagerly earl ease eastern eating echo edition education effective effects efficient egg eggs eighteen elder elected electric elements elevate eleven elsewhere embarrass embrace emerge eminent employment en enable encounter endeavour ended endure engineer enormous entering enterprise enthusiasm entitle entrance environment equally equip erect error escaped essential establishment eternal everywhere evitable evolve examination exceeding exception excited excitement exclude excuse execution exert exhaust expand expedition expend expense experienced experiment expert explanation explore export expose exposed expressed extended extent extract extraordinary extremely Father February Frank Friday f fade failure fairly fall in fall into falling falls fan farther fasten fat fatal favorite fearful feast feather federal feeble fertile fever fierce fifteen fifth file find out finite fired firmly flag flat flatter flee fleet flesh fling float flood flush flying focus foe fold folks fond foolish football for example for instance for one for the first time forbid forehead forever formal formerly forty foundation frame frank freely freeze friendly friendship frighten frightened function furnish furnished fury Greece g gallery gas gathered gay generation generous genius gently gesture get into get it get out get up ghost giant give up gleam globe gloom glorious glow go away go down go home go in go through go up go with goal god good deal gradually grain granted grasp grass grate grateful gratitude gray great deal greet grief grim grounds guardian guest guilty guise gulf Helen h hall halt handed handle hanging harm harmony hasten hastily hasty have got healthy heap hearty heavily heel hence hidden highly hint hire historical hitherto holiday hollow horn horrible horror host hostile household humanity humble humor hunger hungry hurried INC Ireland Irish Israel ice ideal identify idle if not ignorance illustration imagination imitate immense impatient imperial imply import impose improvement impulse in love in the midst in time in vain incident inclined included income increasing indifferent induce indulge industrial inevitable infant infinite informed inhabitant inherit injury inner inquiry inspect instantly instinct institution instruction instrument insult insure intellectual intelligence intense interfere international interpret interrupted interval interview intimate introduction invade invent investigation investment involved Jack Jackson Jan Japanese Johnson Jones Joseph jealous jewel joint joke journal justice justify keen key kick kindly kindness kitchen km knife knock LE La Latin Lincoln l labour lamp landed lane largely lately latest laughing laughter launch leaders leap learning lecture legs lend lesson liberal library lieutenant lifted lighted liked likewise limb limited link listening literature load loan locate lodge log lonely long time look for look like look out look up look upon looking at lord loving lucky luxury M Major Man March Mexico Michael Monday Monsieur More Ms. magazine magic magnificent maid maiden majority make for male management manager manifest mankind manners manufacture many a map marked mate maybe mayor meal meanwhile meat mechanic medical medicine medium mental merchant merit merry metal midnight midst mild mingle minor miracle miserable missed mistress mixed mode model moderate monarch monster mood moon more or less moreover mostly motive mounted mourn movie mud murmur muscle museum musical mutter mysterious Na November narrate naturally navy nay nearer neglect negotiate nervous nest net network nevertheless nice nod nominate noon normal northern nose noted noticed notion now and then numbers numerous October oath obedient obey objection obscure observation obvious occasionally occupation ocean odd offend offering older on board on earth on it on the other hand operations opposed opposition oppress organ organization origin ornament overcome P Peter Philip pace page painful painted painting pardon partly partner pass through passenger passion passionate patience patriot payment peasant peer pen penetrate perceived performance peril perish permanent permission persist persuade photograph phrase physician pick up pile pine pipe pitch plainly plane plate platform plead plot plunge poem poetry point out poison polite portrait positive possessed possibility possibly pot potency potent pound poverty preach precede precious precise predict prejudice preparation pressed pressure presume pretend prevail previously primary prime princess privilege prize proclaim procure professional profound promote prompt pronounce proof properly prophet proportion proposal prosecute prospect prosperous protection provision provisions prudent publication punishment pupil pursuit put in put on putting puzzle qualify quantity quarrel quarters quit quote Red Republican r radio rage rail railroad railway raising rapidly ray reaching react readily reality realized rear reasonable rebel recently reckon recognise recognized recollect recommend recovered reduced reference reflection regiment register regret regulate reign reject rejoice related relations relative relief rely remaining remind remote removed renew rent repair replace reporter representative represented reproach republic reputation repute rescue resemble residence resign resolution resolved resource respond response responsibility restrain resume retain retired retreat returning rev revenue revere review revive reward ridicule riding rifle rival roads roar role rolled romance roof rooms root rope rouse route rub rude rushed SAM Saturday Scotland Scott Senate September Smith Sn Spanish sacred saddle safety sailor sales salt sand sang satisfaction satisfied savage saved saving scale scatter scattered scheme scholar scientific scorn scream screen seated seats section seed seeking seldom selfish senator sending senior sensation sensible seriously set out set up setting settlement shame shed sheep sheet shell shelter shift shining shock shoe shoes shortly shouted showing shrink signal signed silk sincere singing singular sit in sketch slavery slightly slope smaller smell smiling smooth snap snow softly sole solemn solid solution somebody somehow someone somewhere song sooner sore sovereign spare speculate spell spending spirits spiritual splendid spoil stable staff stair stairs stake stamp stand in starting startle stated statue steal steam steel stern stiff strategy stretched strict striking string strip strive stroke strongly structure studied stuff submit subscribe subsequent sufficiently sugar suggestion summon sup superior supper supported supreme surrender surrounded surrounding survey survive suspected suspend sustain swallow swear sweep swell swept swift swim swing symbol Texas Th Thomson Thursday Tuesday tail take care take in take to talent talk about talk of tea teaching technology teeth telephone temper temporary tempt tendency tent terminus territory testify testimony text thank you thanks the Street the devil the true theater theatre thence thirty thoroughly threatened thrill throat throne thrust thunder tide tied tight tiny together with toil tolerate tool tough tour tragic trail training transfer translate transport trap treasure treatment treaty trembling tribe trick trifle trip troubled truly turn out twist Union u ultimate unable unconscious understanding undertake unexpected unfortunate unhappy uniform union unit universal unknown unusual up and down up on useful useless using utmost uttered utterly Virginia v vague valuable van vanish variety veil venture verse version very well vice victim video vigor violate violence visitor vital voluntary volunteer voyage Walter Wednesday Western White House Wilson w wage wake walking warning warrior waters weakness weapon wed weep weigh western wet wheel whence whip whispered whistle wholly wicked widow wings winning wire wit withdraw wooden work in work on worker worn worry worst wrap wretched write in Young yesterday young lady younger 0 200 23 26 27 28 29 31 32 35 40 45 500 60 |
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